Madison Ivy at
Brazzers 'Una experiencia áspera' protagonizando Lexi Belle (foto 5)

Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' - A Rough Experience (Hot And Mean)

Eden Von Sleaze está buscando algo nuevo. Está cansada de sus tendencias sexuales mundanas. Por suerte para ella, Lexi Belle sabe cómo darle vida a una vida sexual. Ella le va a mostrar cómo ser una buena putita. La aburrida vida sexual de Eden está a punto de dar un salto.

Publicado : 23 de noviembre, 2010

Nicolette Shae in 'Saves The World'
Jessa Rhodes in 'Lovely In Latex'
Eva Angelina in 'Camera Cums In Handy'
Nicolette Shae in 'Saves The World'

Fotos de Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' A Rough Experience

Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 1)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 2)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 3)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 4)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 5)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 6)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 7)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 8)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 9)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 10)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 11)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 12)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 13)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 14)
Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' Una experiencia áspera (Miniatura 15)

Fotos de Lexi Belle en 'Brazzers' A Rough Experience

Más 'Brazzers' Escenas de Lexi Belle

Jenna Sativa en 'Bragas mojadas Scissoring'

Jenna Sativa - Bragas mojadas Scissoring

Jenna no tiene mucha experiencia cuando se trata de chicos. Afortunadamente es amiga de Lexi, quien está más que feliz de ayudarla a practicar besos. Después de algunos suaves besos, Lexi quiere enseñarle más a Jenna, pero Jenna no está segura, ¿no la convierte en lesbiana? Lexi convence a Jenna de que está bien, siempre y cuando mantengan sus bragas puestas. Estas dos monadas tiran hasta que sus bragas estén empapadas. No pasa mucho tiempo hasta que Lexi le quita las bragas a Jenna por el trato real.

Lexi Belle en 'Wonderland Part 2'

Lexi Belle - Wonderland Part 2

Bienvenido de nuevo a Wonderland. El tiempo ha pasado, la inocente Lexi se ha convertido en una mujer joven y cachonda, y Mad James está cerca para asegurarse de que todas las mujeres se lleven bien. Una reina, un conejo, un gatito desviado ... junto con la no tan ingenua Lexi, estas chicas enloquecidas por el sexo están a punto de mostrarle a Mad Hatter lo mucho que se quieren.

Lexi Belle en 'Wonderland Parte 1'

Lexi Belle - Wonderland Parte 1

Dentro de las mentes de las mujeres más locas de Wonderland acechan fantasías oscuras y hechos arenosos y orgásmicos. No es Alicia lo que encontrarás en estos rincones sombríos, sino monstruos sexuales cuyas luchas de poder conducen a encuentros salvajes con resultados explosivamente sexys. Bienvenidos a Wonderland. No tengas miedo de seguir al conejo blanco ...

Lexi Belle en 'Trabajando con los pies por el culo para el servicio a la habitación'

Lexi Belle - Trabajando con los pies por el culo para el servicio a la habitación

Lexi se relajó de la ducha y ansiaba su masaje. Su masajista es completamente profesional, frotando aceite en su cuerpo desnudo caliente, hasta que comienza a frotar el aceite en sus pies sexys y se distrae. Él comienza a besarlos, lamiendo y chupando. Hacer que le lamen los pies la pone tan cachonda que con entusiasmo lo deja follar en las plantas de sus pies, y luego se lo folla duro sobre la mesa con el pie en la cara y sobre la boca y la nariz. Míralo correr con sus bonitos dedos en HD ultra claro.

Lexi Belle en 'Miedo y lujuria en Las Vegas'

Lexi Belle - Miedo y lujuria en Las Vegas

Únase a Jordan Ash en un increíble viaje por carretera de lujuria y placer a Las Vegas en compañía de Lexi Belle y una gran cantidad de juguetes sexuales y Brazzers DVD'S. ¡Coger a esta hermosa nena sobre el capó de un clásico descapotable rojo es definitivamente una gran manera de disfrutar el sueño americano!

Ash Hollywood en 'Cum para mi perra'

Ash Hollywood - Cum para mi perra

Lexi es una doctora en sexo. Shes hizo que cientos de pacientes pasen por su puerta sexualmente frustradas, y se va completamente satisfecha. Cuál es su secreto. Solo digamos que es una gran endecha Cuando Ash le dice que no puede correrse, Lexi se voltea hacia una guapa. técnicas poco convencionales para ayudar a su paciente a alcanzar la dicha sexual

Lexi Belle en 'Obtener privacidad con el privado'

Lexi Belle - Obtener privacidad con el privado

El Capitán San Dimas está a punto de viajar al extranjero para la guerra. Él trae a su esposa, Lexi, mientras visita a sus amigos para despedirse. Mientras visitan la propiedad del Mayor Biggs, Lexi y Private Johnson se conectan mientras los chavales conversan. Una última cogida antes de enviar.

Jessie Andrews en 'El BJ Bonanza'

Jessie Andrews - El BJ Bonanza

Lexi y Jessie acaban de regresar de la clase y es hora de algunos chismes. A estos dos adolescentes sexys les encanta hablar sobre chicos buenos en clase. Les encanta discutir sobre quién da los mejores Blow Jays. Pero al final del día, no hay forma de saber quién es mejor ... bueno, hasta que Keiran se presente. Es hora de que muerda la bala y deje que las chicas vayan a la ciudad con su polla.

Gracie Glam en 'Cock Swan'

Gracie Glam - Cock Swan

Johnny, el director artístico de un estudio de ballet, está montando a Swan Lake como la próxima gran producción del estudio. Muchas de las bailarinas aspiran al papel principal, pero nadie lo quiere más que Gracie, que vive para bailar. Gracie es una bailarina técnicamente competente que puede capturar fácilmente la esencia del inocente cisne blanco, pero que carece de la oscura pasión de retratar al cisne negro. Obsesionada con el papel, Gracie hace un avance sexual inesperado en Johnny, pero parece que Lexi, una bailarina recién llegada de la costa oeste la ha vencido. Ahora Gracie debe demostrarle a Johnny que ella es la elección correcta para el papel sobre Lexi, en hacer lo que sea para ser perfecto como el cisne blanco y el cisne negro mientras desciende a la locura.

Lexi Belle en 'Crazy Slut se folla a su doctor'

Lexi Belle - Crazy Slut se folla a su doctor

Cuando Lexi entra tiene un caso de fiebre sexual. Ella ha estado jodiendo tanto que está ardiendo. Keiran, la doctora, necesita tranquilizarla quitándole el sexo. Contra su mejor juicio, la desata. Lexi toma a Keiran como rehén agarrándose a su pene y manteniéndolo prisionero. Ella lo lleva a la sala de espera y hace que todos hagan actos sexuales sobre ella y Keiran. Finalmente, Keiran dice que libera a los rehenes y él le dará lo que ella quiere. Lexi los libera y Keiran la folla con fuerza.

Lexi Belle en 'Gangsters Fuck Pretty Bitches'

Lexi Belle - Gangsters Fuck Pretty Bitches

Lexi es una ama de casa dulce y sencilla que se dedica a su marido. Desafortunadamente, su esposo tiene un serio problema de juego que está poniendo en peligro su futuro juntos. Cuando un corredor de apuestas particularmente violento amenaza el daño físico, Lexi se encarga de rescatar a su familia de esta amenaza, incluso si tiene que ir al corredor de apuestas él mismo. Puede que no tenga suficiente dinero en efectivo para pagar las deudas de juego de su marido, pero tiene coño mojado más que suficiente para ofrecer como garantía.

Lexi Belle en 'Belle of the Burlesque'

Lexi Belle - Belle of the Burlesque

Johnny va a un espectáculo burlesco para ver a la seductora, Lexi Belle. Ella sale y cautiva a la audiencia con sus tetas de borla, pero luego Johnny la deslumbra con su gran polla. Ella no puede resistir y entonces debe tener su polla dentro de ella.

Lexi Belle en 'La pequeña Spermaid'

Lexi Belle - La pequeña Spermaid

Charles lleva a Lexi a un mundo completamente nuevo bajo el mar en un acuario. Lexi se lo pasa en grande mirando a los animales y a los lenceros intermitentes. ¡Después de la gira Charles lleva a Lexi de regreso a empaparla con su silbato en su semen!

Lexi Belle en 'Daddys Little Slutty Angel'

Lexi Belle - Daddys Little Slutty Angel

Lexi es la niñita de papá, pero poco sabe él que es una putita cachonda y ansiosa de verga. Cuando su asistente de trabajo de papás la agarra masturbándose, amenaza con decirle a su padre que la estaba espiando, hasta que se da cuenta de lo grande que es su polla. ¡A pesar de que papá está alerta, ella exige ver su gran paquete y llenarla de polla!

Lexi Belle en 'Travieso 60s Diner Fun'

Lexi Belle - Travieso 60s Diner Fun

Cutie Lexi está limpiando su comedor cerrado cuando Johnny entra y exige un batido. ¡Ella se enoja con él y le dice que se vaya! Continúa burlándose de ella por no saber cómo divertirse. ¡Lexi decide demostrarle que está equivocado al ser una niña mala y mostrarle lo traviesa que puede ser!

Lexi Belle en 'Thunder Babes de Teenie Town'

Lexi Belle - Thunder Babes de Teenie Town

Debido a la tormenta de truenos fuera de Lexi y Madison deciden quedarse en casa y ver películas. Madison convence a Lexi para ver una película de terror aterradora. ¡Cuando de repente se corta la electricidad! Ambos se asustan tanto que llaman al mejor amigo del hermano de Lexi, Johnny, para que venga. Se sienten seguros de tenerlo cerca con sus grandes músculos, pero se sienten aún mejor cuando se dan cuenta de lo grande que es su pene.

Lexi Belle en 'Mc Lovin recibe algo de Lovin'

Lexi Belle - Mc Lovin recibe algo de Lovin

Brynn y Lexi son dos adolescentes malcriados que deciden usar y abusar de Nerdy Jordan para obtener alcohol con su identificación falsa. Él les da el alcohol, lo que les permitirá entrar a la fiesta a la que quieren ir. Se emocionan mucho y Jordan también se emociona, quien pronto se desanima masivamente. Brynn y Lexi no tenían idea de que la polla de Jordan era tan grande y que querían follar su gran polla nerd antes de ir a la fiesta.

Lexi Belle en 'Party Time en sus apretados coños !!'

Lexi Belle - Party Time en sus apretados coños !!

Kieran hace una fiesta en su casa e invita a todos. Lexi lleva a su amiga Kara y ambos se ven increíblemente calientes. Mientras bailan, Lexi y Kara comienzan a besarse haciendo que Kieran crea que ambas son lesbianas. Sin embargo, no son lesbianas. De hecho, Kieran está a punto de descubrir que quieren su gran polla!

Lexi Belle en 'El prestigioso ilusionista'

Lexi Belle - El prestigioso ilusionista

Es el cumpleaños de Lexi Belle y ella quiere salir de fiesta con sus amigos, pero su madre tiene otros planes para ella: ella le trae el extraordinario mago Scott "The Incredible" Nails. Resultó ser un mago patético sin nada demasiado impresionante. Menos mal que podía leer su mente y darle lo que realmente quería dentro de su sombrero: su polla erecta larga y dura para que la celebrara y la follara.

Lexi Belle en 'Big Cock en tu ciudad'

Lexi Belle - Big Cock en tu ciudad

Deena y Lexi conocieron a Jordan a través de y se sorprendieron al ver lo grande que era la polla de Jordan cuando vieron su foto. Entonces lo invitaron a pasar. La polla de Jordan era tan grande que estiraba sus apretados coños adolescentes al máximo y los hacía correr como nunca antes.

Lexi Belle en 'El gran secreto'

Lexi Belle - El gran secreto

Lexi entró al baño y vio al hermano de su novio, Criss, saliendo de la ducha. Ver la enorme polla de Criss la ponía tan caliente, ¡¡que solo quería follarla !! A Criss no le importó joder la mierda de esta pequeña perra sexy y correrse por toda su hermosa cara y tetas de adolescente.

Escenas de otros sitios con Lexi Belle

Brandi Love en 'Petite Brandi Love fucking in the couch with her tits'

Brandi Love - Petite Brandi Love fucking in the couch with her tits

Merry XXXmas!!! It's the big Xmas party with Brandi Love, Lexi Belle, Madison Ivy and Veronica Avluv, and they're ready to party hard with their boss Bill. But while the sexy women are waiting for the bossman, they find out that not just one of them fucked him recently, but ALL of them did! But they don't intend to keep that secret buried; rather, they want to give Bill a big present and by getting naked to jingle his balls in one big fivesome ... but not without stuffing his stocking, too! The more the merrier! Happy Holidays from Naughty America!

Lexi Belle en 'fucking in the desk with her bubble butt'

Lexi Belle - fucking in the desk with her bubble butt

When Bill catches his new hire Lexi Belle watching porn, he decides it's on. He apologizes for Veronica Avluv's bad behavior, then moves on by inviting Lexi to the Christmas party and gift exchange, but he can't wait to unwrap the present he wants -- her. The big boss tells her that Santa has a giant candy cane for her to lick, suck and devour ... all she has to do is get on her knees and she'll get it in her mouth. Lexi fits right in at the new office, especially when she rides her boss's big dick!

Lexi Belle en 'fucking in the garage with her hazel eyes'

Lexi Belle - fucking in the garage with her hazel eyes

Lexi Belle is fucked! She crashed her boyfriend's car and the damage assessment comes to an exorbitant amount. She doesn't have the cash, but her boyfriend's buddy Jordan does, and he offers to pony it up if she can do something for him ... like suck his dick! Lexi doesn't have a choice but slurp up his big cock and fuck him in the garage! The sexy blonde pulls out her small natural tits and gets banged by her boyfriend's buddy in the back of the truck she wrecked! Hot!

Lexi Belle en 'in a hotel fuck after the strip club'

Lexi Belle - in a hotel fuck after the strip club

I came to see Lexi Belle at the club, I left making sure I would see her again, privately. And now she's going to be mine for the night -- here, in my hotel suite. These days, you can get anything with enough money. Well, I've got enough money, and now I've got Lexi Belle, and she's going to wear that sexy outfit she danced in at the club when I saw her. Not only that but she's going to give me all the extras I want -- a sloppy blowjob, her wet pussy in my face, my big dick jamming all of her holes. She's not just my stripper tonight, she's my fucking stripper.

Lexi Belle en 'fucking in the office with her petite'

Lexi Belle - fucking in the office with her petite

High-powered attorney-at-law Lexi Belle pays a visit to her client's rival Billy Glide and finds out that his company is countersuing her client over a patent dispute on a new technology and product already being sold on the market. Billy's not backing down because his company is already making money, but he can't resist when the ever-so-vicious blonde shark Lexi tells him that he can either get fucked by her in court, or fucked by her right there. He chooses the out-of-court settlement by way of blowjob and deep pussy-fucking!

Lexi Belle en 'Lexi Belle'

Lexi Belle - Lexi Belle

I love where I live. Not only do I have a nice pool out back where I can go relax, I've got hot guys living in my complex. One guy was so hot that when he came out to the pool where I was sunning, I got off the phone, grabbed his stuff off the patio table while he was swimming, and had him follow me to my place, where I fucked his brains out. I didn't even know his name until afterward. And I also found out that he doesn't live here, he was staying with his girlfriend. Oh, well. I love my place.

Lexi Belle en 'fucking in the living room with her petite'

Lexi Belle - fucking in the living room with her petite

Johnny goes over to his dad's house because his pops told him had something important to talk to him about, but when he arrives he only finds his dad's younger woman, Lexi. She informs him that his father had to rush off to the office, like always. Disappointed, Johnny tells her that, although she recently moved in there, she'd better get used to being alone because his dad is constantly working. Lexi's already experienced some of the neglect, and she's ready to get revenge by sucking on Johnny's big cock and taking it deep in her hot, wet pussy!

Krissy Lynn en 'Friend Krissy Lynn fucking in the couch with her small tits'

Krissy Lynn - Friend Krissy Lynn fucking in the couch with her small tits

Lexi Belle and Krissy Lynn aren't so sure what they think about their new roommate, especially since she left her dog with them all day, and now they have to wait for the dog walker to show up before they can leave. A man knocks on the door looking for his "girl," they automatically think he's arrived to walk the pooch. But after the two hot blondes get naked and seduce him, sucking his big dick and fucking him until he jizzes all over their tits, they find out he's not the dog walker, but their roommate's boyfriend! Oops, accidents happen!

Lexi Belle en 'Lexi Belle'

Lexi Belle - Lexi Belle

I've been so stressed lately studying for midterms; but thankfully I don't have to worry about money at the same time. My sugar daddy's been taking care of me, and I'm hoping he'll see me again today. I need some new clothes, too, so I'm going to ask him for a shopping allowance. I'm sure he'll take care of me. After all, I take care of him; give him all the attention his cock needs. The arrangement we have is simply perfect.

Lexi Belle en 'Blonde Lexi Belle fucking in the floor with her natural tits'

Lexi Belle - Blonde Lexi Belle fucking in the floor with her natural tits

Lexi and her friend went out partying the night before, but her friend was trashed and is knocked the fuck out. Lexi's up and chipper in the morning, and just so happens to find her friend's brother Chris in the kitchen getting ready for his day. She asks him why he never goes out with them, and he gives her a straight and honest answer: he always ends up fucking his sister's friends, and it causes drama. This piques the cute blonde's interest to the point of pulling her tits out and getting Chris to bang her right there on the kitchen floor! Sex: the breakfast of champions!

Ash Hollywood en 'fucking in the bedroom with her tattoos'

Ash Hollywood - fucking in the bedroom with her tattoos

Michael's two female roommates have the hots for him but have agreed not to fuck him while they lived together. When Lexi catches Ash with Michael behind her back, she agrees to break the agreement and just share him.

Brooke Lee Adams en 'fucking in the chair with her big ass'

Brooke Lee Adams - fucking in the chair with her big ass

Allie sent mass-picture-text of her and Gracie sucking Rocco's cock. Lexi and Brooke are a little jealous, but not as jealous as Madison since she has feelings for Rocco. When Gracie and Allie leave to go explain themselves to Madison, Rocco, Brooke, Lexi and her boy-toy James are left alone. But things only get naughtier when these rich girls have a chance to share their arm-candy and make some hanky-panky!!!

Lexi Belle en 'fucking in the desk with her big ass'

Lexi Belle - fucking in the desk with her big ass

Lexi is late turning in her paper and since her regular professor is not collecting them himself she takes advantage of the Spanish professor but what she doesn't know is that both these professors have discussed her and her extra credit activities so now who's really taking advantage of whom?

Lexi Belle en 'fucking in the classroom with her small tits'

Lexi Belle - fucking in the classroom with her small tits

Lexi Belle is a super cute co-ed. But that hasn't helped her pass astronomy, until today. Her professor wants to help, but not by tutoring her. He'd rather have Lexi try a more hands-on approach to his class... and cock!!!

Eve Nicholson en 'fucking in the desk with her piercings'

Eve Nicholson - fucking in the desk with her piercings

Lexi Belle and Eve Nicholson go to Professor Bauer's office to talk about their papers and find him fast asleep on his desk. And you know what happens to people who pass out, right?

Lexi Belle en 'Lexi Belle'

Lexi Belle - Lexi Belle

I'll be honest; I'm not a 'normal' guy. I don't do normal things, and that's 100% why I've been successful in business. How do you tell a girl who's as hot as…well…anyone I would be into… 'Hey, sex is good, but I really want to stuff a ball-gag in your mouth, tape up your fucking arms and legs, and choke you out while I stuff your pussy full of my huge cock.' I suppose I could freak girls out and risk letting people know about it, or I could call Lexi Belle, who's actually into it… I picked the latter….

Kimberly Kane en 'fucking in the living room with her petite'

Kimberly Kane - fucking in the living room with her petite

When Lexi Belle meets a guy online, she asks her roommate Kimberly Kane to stick around and make sure he's not a murderer. Turns out he's a harmless dork they want to humiliate and play with. Dance the jig, Marcus. Suck my nipples. And now, show us your English wanker.

Lexi Belle en 'fucking in the living room with her natural tits'

Lexi Belle - fucking in the living room with her natural tits

Lexi's pissed because her roommates decided to have a threesome without her, which is against the house rules. So, she leaves and decides to crash at her friend Shelly's house for a while. Shelly's brother Pauly finds Lexi on the couch, and she tells him the situation. He consoles her the right way: with a nice hard fuck and a hot load of jizz. That's what friends are for.

Lexi Belle en 'Student Lexi Belle fucking in the desk with her petite'

Lexi Belle - Student Lexi Belle fucking in the desk with her petite

Professor Lawrence knows straight A student Lexi Belle doesn't need extra help, so why is she there? Well, professor, maybe if you lay me out on the desk and fuck me sideways, I'll tell you.

Lexi Belle en 'Petite Lexi Belle fucking in the desk with her natural tits'

Lexi Belle - Petite Lexi Belle fucking in the desk with her natural tits

Tommy hasn't been able to get a handle of the office ever since he canned his assistant, Lexi. The phone won't stop ringing, and he can't seem to find anything he's looking for. When Lexi stops by the office to clean out her desk, Tommy admits that firing her was a mistake, and he pleads her to come back. Lexi eventually agrees, but not without a list of demands first, including one to be fucked right then and there. She's got him by the balls, and now he's got to drain them all over her!

Lexi Belle en 'Masked Threesome Nymphomaniacs'

Lexi Belle - Masked Threesome Nymphomaniacs

Beautiful Megan Coxxx and stunning porn superstar Lexi Belle love to get to grips with each other in this hot and steamy lesbian scene. They soon have their fix of cock, turning this scene into a fast-paced threesome you won't forget.

Kimberly Kane en 'Naughty Flipside'

Kimberly Kane - Naughty Flipside

When Lexi Belle meets a guy online, she asks her roommate Kimberly Kane to stick around and make sure he's not a murderer. Turns out he's a harmless dork they want to humiliate and play with. Dance the jig, Marcus. Suck my nipples. And now, show us your English wanker.

Eve Nicholson en 'Naughty Bookworms'

Eve Nicholson - Naughty Bookworms

Lexi Belle and Eve Nicholson go to Professor Bauer's office to talk about their papers and find him fast asleep on his desk. And you know what happens to people who pass out, right?

Lexi Belle en 'gets fucked for the holidays'

Lexi Belle - Fast Times

Lexi Belle's stuck in the dorms over Christmas break ... what a boring holiday! But everything changes when she runs into Rocco in the hallway. Let's have some fun, but don't tell my boyfriend Brad.

Lexi Belle en 'celebrates Halloween the right way'

Lexi Belle - Fast Times

Lexi Belle has to end her Halloween bash. Her parents are coming home soon and she needs to clean. Her boyfriend's brother is there and offers to lend a hand, but it's just the beginning....

Lexi Belle en 'fucks sugardaddy's big cock'

Lexi Belle - College Sugar Babes

I've been so stressed lately studying for midterms; but thankfully I don't have to worry about money at the same time. My sugar daddy's been taking care of me, and I'm hoping he'll see me again today. I need some new clothes, too, so I'm going to ask him for a shopping allowance. I'm sure he'll take care of me. After all, I take care of him; give him all the attention his cock needs. The arrangement we have is simply perfect.

Lexi Belle en 'Night Out'

Lexi Belle - Night Out

Undeniably beautiful, Lexi is a vision walking the city streets. After telling her man she's out on a girls night, she makes her way to her real rendezvous - with someone that is certainly give her more fun than any sleepover ever could.

Lexi Belle en 'Back In Town'

Lexi Belle - Back In Town

Lexi is a free spirit. She comes and goes as she pleases. When she gets an itch only her sister's husband can scratch, she goes to la to stoke some old flames.

Lexi Belle en 'Customer Service'

Lexi Belle - Customer Service

Lexi is an international luxury real-estate. She's working in Ibiza now with a couple of potential clients on a massive estate. When DJ Gong shows up, she's star struck and loosens up her professionalism.

Lexi Belle en 'Give In'

Lexi Belle - Give In

Lexi keeps running into Alberto throughout her trip to Ibiza. Instead of playing it off as mere coincidence, she decides to lean into it.

Lexi Belle en 'Totally NOT Gay!'

Lexi Belle - Totally NOT Gay!

Two young women, Lexi Belle and Ginger Banks, are sitting on a bed together, gazing at each other. Yet, when Lexi moves in for a kiss, Ginger stops her, asking what she's doing. Lexi apologizes, saying that she thought she was getting flirty signals... However, while Ginger says she's not gay, she's curious, so they try a sweet kiss...Three years pass, and the two girls are now living together and sharing the same bed. They're girlfriends, but they have a running joke about Ginger still not being gay. It looks like Lexi's been sharing her life and being in love with a straight girl all of this time!More time passes, and Ginger is sitting on the bed looking nervous. Today is the big day... She just has to be brave enough for it!Ginger calls Lexi into the room and sits her down, saying they need to talk. Although Lexi's anxious at first, she soon reveals an engagement ring and proposes to Lexi -- she wants them to spend the rest of their lives together! Lexi happily accepts as they come together in a joyous, loving embrace.To celebrate the engagement, they make love. The session is filled with passionate kisses and affectionate touches. They tongue and eat out each other's pussies with relish, exchanging adoring looks the whole time. When they feel they're close to the end, they climb on top of each other and trib until they finally find the relief they've been looking for. It looks like Ginger just may be gay after all!Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, Metalhead42!

Lexi Belle en 'gets fucked by a big cock'

Lexi Belle - American Daydreams

When Lexi Belle picks up hitchhiker Billy, who is holding a sign that reads, " Santa Cruz or Bust," she tells him she can't take him all the way to Santa Cruz , but, in his dreams, maybe he can bust ... bust a nut in her hot little pussy, that is.

Lexi Belle en 'The Guidance Counselor'

Lexi Belle - The Guidance Counselor

Kendra Spade opens her front door to see an unimpressed Lexi Belle standing on her doorsteps. Lexi is her guidance counselor and is NOT pleased that Kendra missed their appointment that afternoon. What's up with that?Kendra is embarrassed as she lets Lexi into her home. She meekly says that she had a lot of chores to do, so that's why she missed the appointment. Lexi asks if doing chores is more important than her future. She's noticed that Kendra hasn't submitted her application for Gamma University and the deadline's almost here. They've been working towards getting into that university for a couple of years now!Kendra admits that she wants to go to community college instead, which Lexi is shocked about. It's just that after talking to her parents, Kendra's decided that community college is the way she wants to go... However, Lexi doesn't buy it. Kendra has scholarships to Gamma University, so why would her parents accept her going to a community college instead? Come on, it's time to tell the truth about what's really going on.Kendra finally admits that she's a lesbian and that she's worried about living in dorms because everyone else is going to be more experienced than her with sex. She doesn't want to start the next chapter in her life by being made fun of everyone for being a virgin. Lexi is less stern now as she admits that she's a lesbian, too, and that she's been in a similar situation before. She got help then, so now it's time to pay it forward! Kendra is a bit confused -- what does 'paying it forward' mean?' Lexi glides her hands along Kendra's knees and tells her that it means that she'll give her the experience she needs to feel more confident in dorms!Although she's shy, Kendra is excited about her first lesbian encounter. They start off by fondling and sucking on each other's breasts. This leads to Kendra learning even more as Lexi introduces her to fingering and eating pussy. The fun's only just started, and Kendra already feels much more prepared to take on Gamma University's dorms!

Lexi Belle en 'Crybaby'

Lexi Belle - Crybaby

Sexy Lexi Belle has had enough of roommate Kenna James whimpering and crying. The only way that Lexi can calm sweet, sexy Kenna down is by promising to look after her, but that comes at a price... blonde natural stunner Lexi needs plenty of hot sex when ever she wants! Without wasting any time, Lexi begins making out with Kenna on their bunk beds and it quickly turns into hot pussy eating action. Lexi dives deep into Kenna's slick folds lapping at her till she cums. Kenna quickly returns the favor wanting to please her sexy roomie. Both ladies continue to get each other off, basking in the ultimate pleasure.

Maddy O'Reilly en 'Wrong Room'

Maddy O'Reilly - Wrong Room

Lexi Belle responded to an ad for a casual hook up. She instructed the girl to be in her bedroom waiting for her. When she finds Penny Pax blindfolded, in her bed playing with her pussy, she walks in and starts kissing her. Earlier that day, Maddy O'Reilly walks into her new house and wonders if anyone's home. Penny comes down the stairs to greet her and gives her a big hug welcoming her new roommate. Penny tells her if she needs anything, she just has to come find her. She excuses herself and tells Maddy she'll see her later. Penny goes back to her room and is floored at how hot her new roommate is. She's so hot that the very idea of living with her is actually turning her one. She lies down and starts playing with her pussy. Maddy who is just as attracted to her new roommate as Penny is, would love to dyke it out with her. The only problem is that she's never been with a girl before and doesn't want to make things awkward with her new roommate. Perhaps she could find someone online to help her? When she posts an add looking a casual hookup, Lexi answers it almost immediately. The thing is, is when Lexi comes to the house she goes into the wrong bedroom! When Maddy lies on her bed playing with her pussy, she finds herself waiting longer than she anticipated. When she gets up to investigate and hears moaning coming from Penny's room, she walks in to see what's going on. When she realizes that the girl she called, to get better acquainted with the female form, is eating her roommate's pussy, she realizes she has some explaining to do. When she clears up the confusion the girls laugh it off as a simple misunderstanding. Lexi goes to excuse herself but Maddy asks her to stay, stating that two girls could provide her with the experience she needs, and you know what they say...two girls are better than one!

Lexi Belle en 'Dust Bunnies'

Lexi Belle - Dust Bunnies

Emily Addison doesn't have a care in the world. Armed with a dildo, she lies on the couch and plays with her pussy. When the doorbell rings, she does everything in her power to get dressed as quickly as she can, hiding the dildo behind a pillow in the process. She tells Lexi Belle to hold on as she gets dressed. She invites Lexi in who's here to do her weekly cleaning. Emily instructs her to start in the living room and make her way to the bedroom when she's finished. Lexi agrees and gets started as Emily goes upstairs. When Emily comes back downstairs and checks the living room to see how well it's been cleaned, she finds it in a state of disarray. She finds the dildo exactly where she put it and decides maybe she could have some fun with Lexi. She yells at her to come downstairs and asks her why she's been masturbating on her watch. Lexi is stunned and has no idea what Emily is talking about adding that she would never do such a thing. Emily says it's her word against hers and that she's going to report her if she doesn't do a better job. Lexi asks her what she would like her to do, Emily says she would lie for her to clean her living room with her panties. Lexi finds the request bizarre but really needs this job and does what she's told. When Emily points out that the area underneath the couch needs some attention as Lexi gets on her knees and starts dusting away. As Emily watches her, she takes the dildo and puts it right on Lexi's ass. Lexi stars moaning asking what she's doing but Emily ignores her telling her to come up and join her on the couch. When she puts the dildo on her pussy she simply can't resist and after all, she needs this job and will do anything to keep it!

Lexi Belle en 'Lesbifriends'

Lexi Belle - Lesbifriends

Tensions between randy roommates Jenna Sativa and Lexi Belle are heating up. Brunette queen bee Jenna Sativa is sick of sexy blonde haired Lexi Belle strutting around in skimpy outfits and flirting with her boyfriend. Jenna provokes Lexi as much as possible, and finally decides the only way to settle this is for Lexi to pay Jenna the attention she has been missing. Jenna seduces Lexi, and then these sexy college teases get intimate together in their chair, rubbing their beautiful bodies together, biting each other's nipples, licking each other's pretty pussies, even tasting each other's cute little assholes. Will a steamy girl-on-girl scissorfest settle their raging tempers, or will these roommate rivals end up in a naked no-holds-barred catfight? Cum find out!

Jenna Sativa en 'Santa Is a Woman'

Jenna Sativa - Santa Is a Woman

Jenna Sativa has the X-mas spirit and is busy decorating her tree. And what better way to do that than with milk and cookies. When she hangs up the phone after making plans with her folks, it's time go to bed and make the trek back home nice and early. When she gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, she notices that some of the cookies she left out are gone. Hearing a sound, she storms into the bedroom. She finds Lexi Belle aka Santa Clause, sitting on her bed. Wondering what this crazy chick is doing in her house, Lexi insists she checks under the tree. Jenna finds a pair of shoes that she's been wanting forever. She never told anyone she wanted them. Could it really be Santa? Jenna can't believe it! Santa is sitting on her fucking bed and she's a woman! Lexi explains to her that she's a mystical being that acquired powers long ago. Jenna then asks why's she's a beautiful woman and not an old man. Lexi's smile tells her that if all the teenage boys knew she looked like this, they would never leave her alone. Lexi adds that Jenna has one more wish, one more present before Christmas is over. Jenna wants love and what Jenna wants, Satan delivers. Who knew Santa could be so naughty?

Lexi Belle en 'Blind to the Truth'

Lexi Belle - Blind to the Truth

Lexi Belle doesn't do her chores and acts inappropriately. Alexis Fawk is fed up with her stepdaughter's behaviour and decides to confront her father about it. Unfortunately, he's off to work and doesn't have time to deal with this now: the girls are going to have to figure this out on their own. When Lexi asks her mom if she's prepared any food for her, Alexis has had enough, it's time to sit down and talk to her stepdaughter about all this. Alexis explains to her that she's a big girl and if she wants to eat she can cook her own damn meal! Furthermore, she needs to start wearing more clothes and picking up after herself. Alexis is tired of looking at her vagina all day long and isn't gonna to take it anymore. But Lexi has other ideas, she wants them to get along too but not in the way Alexis is imagining. Lexi listens to her mom as she touches herself, playing with her tits, squeezing them in front of her. She smiles but she's not listening, her mind is on something else entirely, her mom's perfect tits! She moves in for the kill, pulling Alexis' bra down and shoving that perfect breast in her mouth, savoring her perfect pink nipple. Her mother seems to be enjoying herself but pushes her off asking her what the hell she's doing, this is not appropriate behaviour! Lexi tells her that they need to get along for the sake of her dad so this is the best way to do it. She pries her legs open and starts licking her pussy, Alexis knows this is wrong but is also enjoying herself way too much to put an end to it. Kissing and making out, eating each other out and tribbing, it looks like the girls are gonna get along after all!

Lexi Belle en 'The Busted Burgler'

Lexi Belle - The Busted Burgler

Eric Giselle Palmer and Kristen Scott are the hottest couple on the block and they know it! When they decide to spice up their sex life with some role playing they could have never expected what the afternoon had in store for them. Lurking outside the house, in a sexy black outfit, Giselle looks for a way in, after all, she knows what pleasures await her inside. Finding the back patio door opened, she sees Kristen Scott, on the couch reading a magazine, completely unaware that she made it inside and is closing in right behind her, Giselle grabs Kristen and commands her to submit to her every whim and desire. She makes sure that Kristen knows who's in control, as one plays the thief and the other the victim. Giselle dominates her and makes sure she knows who's boss. Lexi Belle prepares for her day, after all it's just another cop on the beat fighting crime, looking smoking hot in her leather jacket and tight pants. As she's about to leave to start her day she gets a call about a break in across the street. Investigating the house she finds the back door ajar. Seeing the dispute inside she goes in with all guns blazing, what she finds out however has nothing to do with a crime as the couple was just roll playing, apologizing for wasting her time, they figure the least they can do is seize on this opportunity to include a cop in the mix, after all, three girls are always better than two!

Cherie DeVille en 'Giving Into Temptation'

Cherie DeVille - Giving Into Temptation

Cherie DeVille is innocuously wiping down her dining room table, when she glances at her wife Aaliyah's emails. Browsing through a message,she discovers that Lexi Belle is trying to pursuade Aaliyah to honor her commitment to her and not 'give into temptation' by pursuing another woman named Jennifer.Shocked and disturbed by this message, Cherie immediately calls Lexi to find out what is going on and get to the bottom of the situation. They meet, but the atmosphere is tense, as Cherie tries to get deeper into the situation. Lexi tries to distract her and explain away the email, but she eventually gives up the truth, that Aaliyah is cheating on Cherie.Cherie is rightly furious for being cheated on, but gets an idea in her mind about getting revenge on her wife Aaliyah. Slowly advancing to Lexi on the couch, she caresses Lexi's blonde hair and massages her petite body. Lexi is barely catching on, as Cherie closes in to embrace her, she hesitates but part of her cannot turn away the beautiful Cherie DeVille.'That is so wrong!' Lexi exclaims as Cherie DeVille takes off her shirt to reveal her huge breasts, bringing Lexi's hands to her chest, saying 'You know you like them.' Lexi is finding it harder to resist the blonde bombshell, and finally gives up as Cherie gives her a deep sensual french kiss.Cherie fully undresses, and slowly probes at Lexi's pants and breasts. As she slowly seduces her new petite blonde fling, Cherie grinds on her lap while slowly kissing and nipping at her perky little breasts. It's so wrong but feels so right. Lexi has no resistance left as Cherie drapes her perfect breasts all over hers. She licks and kisses Lexi's wet pussy while she moans with pleasure. Then Cherie mounts Lexi in the couch to grind and scissor on her throbbing pussy.Lexi shouts with pleasure as Cherie continues to finger and lick her vagina, telling her that she's going to come if she keeps doing it. After reaching ecstasy, Lexi switches places to lick Cherie's pussy, slowly sucking and kiss her delicate wet vagina. The two blonde beauties then move to sixty-nine each other, as Cherie cries with pleasure with each successive orgasm.With growing intensity, Cherie swaps over to scissor and begins tribbing on top of Lexi's sweet wet snatch. The two perfect busty blondes climax in pleasure, but Cherie is not satisfied, and wants more. She brings Lexi to mount and scissor her, coaching her all the way to bring her to climax on the couch once more. Cherie then turns around to finger Lexi again, bringing her to a final epic climax, leaving her body trembling with pleasure. Lexi, grateful for such an experience, returns the favor. These two definitely give into temptation, and more.

Lexi Belle en 'Blonde Lexie Belle as the Tightest Teen Pussy'

Lexi Belle - Blonde Lexie Belle as the Tightest Teen Pussy

Private present the cock sucking teen Lexie Belle! Once she has given her man some sloppy deep throat, she has her hairy pussy eaten out and readied for some hard fucking. Then, she climbs on top to give her man the pussy ride of a life time, going back to front to make herself cum. This babe screams as her tight young body is pounded into next week and then she gets finished off with a sticky cumshot.

Lexi Belle en 'Sexy Lexi'

Lexi Belle - Sexy Lexi

Lexi Belle shows off her shaved wet pussy

Charlotte Stokely en 'Under Surveillance'

Charlotte Stokely - Under Surveillance

Charlotte Stokely, a stunning house wife with a goddess like figure undresses herself ready for a warm bath. Taking advantage of the bath and the sun rays beaming through the window, she relaxes in comfort. However, her husband is not at all comfortable with anything lately as he suspects Charlotte is cheating on him. He has no choice but to call Lexi Belle, a private investigator who specializes in cheating wives. Getting more information from Charlotte's husband, Lexi takes on the job and reassures her client that she will get to the bottom of this with sufficient evidence.Lexi arrives at her client's home where she wastes no time taking out her camera to start the job. Taking pictures of Lexi on the rooftop, she follows her every move inside the house. Lexi sneaks in, being extremely cautious of not getting caught by her target. She follows Charlotte's every move, making sure not to miss anything that can prove she is in fact cheating. Setting up a hidden camera outside Charlotte's room, she quickly sneaks in. Hiding right behind the couch her culprit. Sitting on her couch completely naked, Charlotte talks on the phone with her lover, touching her clit gently becoming hornier by the moment. She turns on her computer, ready to masturbate and please her sexual appetite. Meanwhile, Lexi is still behind her suspect, watching her masturbate on video. She's seen enough and it was time for her to bust and confront the cheating wife! Lexi calls Charlotte out on all the evidence she's collected to prove that she is a cheater, but things take a different turn where Charlotte states she never cheated on her husband with a man, the person on the phone was a woman she'd never met and was masturbating to a lesbian website. Charlotte grabs Lexi dragging her into the bedroom; she wasn't going to let this private investigator off so easily! If anyone was wrong it was Lexi and she was going to pay the price by fucking Charlotte.Charlotte dominates Lexi, kissing every part of her body. Lexi is afraid that her client will come home and catch them but that Charlotte doesn't care; in fact she will make him sit and watch! Being commanded to remove all her clothes, Lexi complies, instructed to face fuck Charlotte sticking her tongue deep inside her vagina until she cums trembling with aftershock from such powerful orgasms. Lexi sticks out her ass, wanting to be touched by the housewife wanting to cum all over her face. Charlotte places herself beneath Lexi, eager to taste her lover's juices. They cum simultaneously, mocking about how stupid Charlotte's husband is...maybe he can beg to be a part of it the next time? What do you think? Should these two lovers give him a chance?

Allie Haze en 'Girls Night Scene 5'

Allie Haze - Girls Night Scene 5

Erica (Stormy Daniels) and her long time girlfriend are thrilled that the changing laws have finally allowed them to marry. But before they tie the knot, Erica has a girls night out with her college roommate and some of her fellow lesbian friends. After a long night of celebrating, the girls return home and begin to reminisce about first loves, first times and hot sex.

Lexi Belle en 'Teen bitch Lexi Belle'

Lexi Belle - Teen bitch Lexi Belle

Slutty teen Lexi Belle feels herself a real woman and she acts like one. Well, the way she handles a cock she looks like a real woman with real lust and real pleasure. Watch this blonde sex-obsessed teen fuck the soul out of her partner, it is something to see.

Lexi Belle en 'Love, Marriage And Other Bad Ideas'

Lexi Belle - Love, Marriage And Other Bad Ideas

After Marcus (Anthony Rosano) finds out that his trophy wife, Diora (Lexi Belle) just spent $18000 on a vacuum cleaner, she turns on her sexual charms in the hopes of getting him to forgive her.

Lexi Belle en 'Oral Overdose'

Lexi Belle - Oral Overdose

It's a three-girl sleepover! The cute, all-natural trio of Dani Jensen, Ashlynn Leigh and Lexi Belle uses toys and tongues on each other's pussy until director Mike Adriano joins the party. Mike eats redhead Dani's shaved cunt while the other two lick Dani's nipples. All three little ladies swarm over Mike's cock, balls and asshole with their talented mouths. He lines them up and fucks their sweet throats with his big tool and shoots video of the young sluts as they drool in each other's face. Lucky Lexi accepts Mike's creamy load and orally shares the cum with her girlfriends -- who even suck it out of Lexi's mouth with a straw!

Megan Coxxx en 'Nymphomaniac Megan Coxxx'

Megan Coxxx - Nymphomaniac Megan Coxxx

Two of our favourite porn girls, Megan and Lexi are here today with us to show us everything they`ve got! They love to fuck and they love to satisfy guys by swallowing their pride and sharing the fun!

Lexi Belle en 'and Ryan Mclane in Housewife 1 on 1'

Lexi Belle - Housewife 1 on 1

Lexi Belle is looking for her husband, but he's playing a little game and hiding from her! But when she lays on the couch and starts masturbating in her sexy high heels, he comes out of his hole to enter hers. He couldn't handle watching her flick the bean any longer, so he gives her what she's been wanting -- her husband's hard dick! He makes sure to fuck his hot little wife good like she wants. He'd better not hide again!

Lexi Belle en 'and Johnny Castle in I Have a Wife'

Lexi Belle - I Have A Wife

Have you ever "felt someone's material"? Neither has Johnny. He's picking out some sexy lingerie for his wife as a surprise, so she goes to a shop that specializes in assisting with that. Lexi Belle introduces herself as the specialist in these matters, as she'll be modeling some pieces for Johnny to consider for his wife. The only issue is is that Lexi is so fucking hot Johnny can't stand it! And it doesn't help that she shakes her ass in front of him, then sits down in his lap, rubbing herself all over his boner, and asking him to "feel her material." What do you do in that situation? Yes, you fuck the saleslady Lexi, and by your wife the lingerie.

Lexi Belle en 'and Xander Corvus in American Daydreams'

Lexi Belle - American Daydreams

Xander is bored with Ms. Love's class, and the only thing he wants out of it is to fuck his on-again, off-again girlfriend Lexi Belle. But Lexi takes college seriously, and she's tired of Xander just fucking off like his future doesn't matter. But when Ms. Love leaves the classroom for a minute, Xander dozes off and dreams of another version of Lexi: the one who foregoes studying for sucking his cock under the desk and fucking him right in the classroom until he blasts a hot thick load right on her lips!

Lexi Belle en 'and Ryan McLane in Neighbor Affair'

Lexi Belle - Neighbor Affair

While Roli is locked into the friend zone, being the white knight that he is, he lets Lexi know that if her neighbor Ryan gives her any trouble he'll kick his ass! As he leaves Ryan slides into Lexi's place but wait, there's a knock at the door. Ryan hides behind the couch and Lexi answers the door finding that Roli can't leave because Ryan is blocking him in. Lexi lets Roli take her car. Roli goes to work, Lexi gets a hard cock, and Ryan drops a load in Lexi's mouth. Everything works out!

Lexi Belle en 'Lexi Belle, Mia Malkova and Johnny Castle in 2 Chicks Same Time'

Lexi Belle - 2 Chicks Same Time

Lexi Belle and Mia Malkova need a roommate, and they're about to interview a male prospect. But when Johnny shows up, he discovers that the place is a studio apartment, not a three-bedroom place like he expected. But it all makes sense when Johnny also finds out that Lexi and Mia are crazy into sharing ... everything, including their tits, ass and pussy! They give Johnny a trial run by telling him to pull his cock out and fuck both of them in a threesome. Double the pussy, double the blowjobs ... double the pleasure! Think he'll sign the lease? He'd fuckin' better!

Lexi Belle en 'Sexy girl with a tight body gets rubbed down before some deep dicking'

Lexi Belle - Sexy girl with a tight body gets rubbed down before some deep dicking

PornStarSpa has a nice update for you guys this week. Lexi Belle has Cody Sky stop by to rub her down and get the kinks out. After getting the sweet parts he starts getting into the second part of the massage which Lexi has no objections to. Before you know it Cody is getting his dick massaged inside her mouth. Then massages her pussy. Enjoy watching

Lexi Belle en 'Ma Belle'

Lexi Belle - Ma Belle

A seamless window overlooks the panorama of a paradise valley, but that's not the only paradise valley in this scene, as Lexi and Richie are quick to discover. Richie's kisses and tongue, her mouth engulfing him, unleashes a flood in her valley and before you can say 'I'm Cuming' they're deep in paradise valley for real.

Lexi Belle en 'Wet Hot Lesbian Foot Worship'

Lexi Belle - Wet Hot Lesbian Foot Worship

Breanne Benson, Lexi belle & Brandy Aniston peel away layers of wet nylons worshiping each others feet and having a foot fetish sex lesbian 3some!

Lexi Belle en 'Big Asses And Hardcore Anal'

Lexi Belle - Big Asses And Hardcore Anal

This weeks Assparade will leave you weak in the knees and quick to jerk one out. Starring in todays feature is Lexi Belle & Rose. Lexi Belle is the new babe around here and she is straight up bad ass. This girl has a small waist with a nice juicy ass and has no problem deep throating. Also in today's update is Rose, this sexy thing needs no introduction because I no you all no who she is but I will remind you that this babe has no limits and takes it anal. So check out this video and prepare to be amazed!

Brandi Love en 'Naughty Office'

Brandi Love - Naughty Office

Merry XXXmas!!! It's the big Xmas party with Brandi Love, Lexi Belle, Madison Ivy and Veronica Avluv, and they're ready to party hard with their boss Bill. But while the sexy women are waiting for the bossman, they find out that not just one of them fucked him recently, but ALL of them did! But they don't intend to keep that secret buried; rather, they want to give Bill a big present and by getting naked to jingle his balls in one big fivesome ... but not without stuffing his stocking, too! The more the merrier! Happy Holidays from Naughty America!

Lexi Belle en 'and Bill Bailey in Naughty Office'

Lexi Belle - Naughty Office

When Bill catches his new hire Lexi Belle watching porn, he decides it's on. He apologizes for Veronica Avluv's bad behavior, then moves on by inviting Lexi to the Christmas party and gift exchange, but he can't wait to unwrap the present he wants -- her. The big boss tells her that Santa has a giant candy cane for her to lick, suck and devour ... all she has to do is get on her knees and she'll get it in her mouth. Lexi fits right in at the new office, especially when she rides her boss's big dick!

Lexi Belle en 'College Balloons'

Lexi Belle - College Balloons

The girls are rocking out this week. We got Bethany Benz, Jada Stevens and Lexi Belle and they are ready to invade your dorm. This week we have a whole new set of games to get these horny co-eds going. A little bit of pass the dildo and Ass smashing balloon popping. This is what its all about. Then when all the festivities hit high gear the girls kick it up a notch and throwing some dick sucking and some banging ass fucking. These college kids arent ready for this..are you?

Lexi Belle en 'American Cocksucking Sluts'

Lexi Belle - American Cocksucking Sluts

It's a three-girl overnight party! The cute, all-natural trio of Dani Jensen, Ashlynn Leigh and Lexi Belle uses toys and tongues on each other's pussy until director Mike Adriano joins the party. Mike eats redhead Dani's shaved cunt while the other two lick Dani's nipples. All three little ladies swarm over Mike's cock, balls and asshole with their talented mouths. He lines them up and fucks their sweet throats with his big tool and shoots video of the young sluts as they drool in each other's face. Lucky Lexi accepts Mike's creamy load and orally shares the cum with her girlfriends -- who even suck it out of Lexi's mouth with a straw!

Lexi Belle en 'and Jordan Ash in My Friend's Hot Girl'

Lexi Belle - My Friend's Hot Girl

Lexi Belle is fucked! She crashed her boyfriend's car and the damage assessment comes to an exorbitant amount. She doesn't have the cash, but her boyfriend's buddy Jordan does, and he offers to pony it up if she can do something for him ... like suck his dick! Lexi doesn't have a choice but slurp up his big cock and fuck him in the garage! The sexy blonde pulls out her small natural tits and gets banged by her boyfriend's buddy in the back of the truck she wrecked! Hot!

Andy San Dimas en 'Hardcore Allure 1'

Andy San Dimas - Hardcore Allure 1

Lexi and Andy double up on a big cock and rock the meat - This scene is 3some perfection - Not to be missed. Andy and her boyfriend watch Lexi strip then she joins them for a three way epic scene. From HARDCORE ALLURE here's a blonde and a brunette giving Chris Strokes the time of his life. Good stuff.

Lexi Belle en 'Foot Soldiers 3'

Lexi Belle - Foot Soldiers 3

Adorable blonde Lexi Belle is an artist who gets good service from studio assistant Alex Gonz. He paints little Lexi's cute bare soles... Lexi decorates the white-floored studio by making footprints in brightly hued paints; covering her ass in pigment; printing designs with her perky, natural boobs; and making a lovely mess all over the place! Lexi wraps her sweet lips around Alex' thick cock and strokes his shaft with her paint-smeared tootsies. Soon the art buff is relentlessly pounding young Lexi's tight pussy, a wild and colorful display that ends when Lexi's feet get painted with hot, creamy jism.

Lexi Belle en 'Slut Puppies 3'

Lexi Belle - Slut Puppies 3

If you've ever done warehouse work before...then you know that the idea of a hot slut coming and sucking your cock to relieve the 'tension' is just fucking fantastic! In this scene Lexi Belle pays a visit to Chris Strokes and takes his cock from behind against the shelves in the backstore! She even swallows his spunk afterwards so he doesn't have to clean up!

Lexi Belle en 'and Chris Johnson in My Sisters Hot Friend'

Lexi Belle - My Sisters Hot Friend

Lexi and her friend went out partying the night before, but her friend was trashed and is knocked the fuck out. Lexi's up and chipper in the morning, and just so happens to find her friend's brother Chris in the kitchen getting ready for his day. She asks him why he never goes out with them, and he gives her a straight and honest answer: he always ends up fucking his sister's friends, and it causes drama. This piques the cute blonde's interest to the point of pulling her tits out and getting Chris to bang her right there on the kitchen floor! Sex: the breakfast of champions!

Lexi Belle en 'Machine Maniac: Lexi Belle and her Bottomless Pussy'

Lexi Belle - Machine Maniac: Lexi Belle and her Bottomless Pussy

The famous Lexi Belle fucked senseless by machines and the sybian

Lexi Belle en 'Panty Pops 3'

Lexi Belle - Panty Pops 3

Lexi Belle is one of the cutest young things you will every see. That tight, flat stomach, those long legs, that milky white skin. And don't forget that perfect round little butt she carries around. She is a horny little sucker too, and couldn't wait until I was rubbing my dick all over her ass, and bustin' a nut on her sexy blue panties.

Lexi Belle en 'The Gladiator of Pussy Fucking: Lexi Belle Meets her fucking machine match'

Lexi Belle - The Gladiator of Pussy Fucking: Lexi Belle Meets her fucking machine match

Rammed until she squirts from machines so fast with cocks the perfect size for tight pussy, Lexi Belle shows us how cumming is done.

Lexi Belle en 'GooGoo For GaGa'

Lexi Belle - GooGoo For GaGa

Gaga's going googoo over Kelly's 34FF natural tits! She schedules a threesome with the Madison's, and goes crazy over Kelly's knockers and Ryan's vertigo stick. Gaga cums more than four times all over Ryan's dick and gets stacked on top of Kelly for a bent over doggy fuck. She rides that dick, licks that clit, and g...

Lexi Belle en 'Pussy Go Round: FuckingMachines Orgasm-a-thon with The Squirming, Sexy, Hotness of Lexi Belle'

Lexi Belle - Pussy Go Round: FuckingMachines Orgasm-a-thon with The Squirming, Sexy, Hotness of Lexi Belle

Porn Starlet orgasm-a-thon - Lexi Belle circuit fucks machines. Sybian mega-vibe orgasms, thrusting BIG dongs and her mouth gag and drooling!

Lexi Belle en 'does the tugging 'round here'

Lexi Belle - does the tugging 'round here

Oh man lexi is one sweet looking candy, but she inside that candy shell is a dangerously sexy spice. Oh And she'll place nice, but only if you feed her that cock! Lexi Belle likes to take control and like a boa constrictor squeezes its prey, She has a death like grip on your cock and with her kung-fu tugging action she's capable of incapacitating any man until he busts a nut in the body part of her this case her cute barbie doll tits. Enjoy!

Lexi Belle en 'Sexi Lexi Belle Loves Cum !'

Lexi Belle - Sexi Lexi Belle Loves Cum !

Hey fans. We got Lexi Belle to screw on camera for your entertainment. This girl is so amazingly fly it's ridiculous! Lexi loves to fuck and it really shows in her great performance in this Bigmouthfuls update! Johnny Castle is one lucky SOB for getting the chance to dick down such a hot piece of ass! Enjoy Fuckers! Cause I know your gonna love it!

Lexi Belle en 'The Little Slut at the Pet S'

Lexi Belle - The Little Slut at the Pet S

The guys around the neighborhood have a weakly show at the local pet store. They are constantly asking for items where Lexi has to bend over, stretch up and even lean into the fish tank. Johnny thinks these guys are trying to take advantage of this innocent girl. Little does he know this little slut is doing it for the commission checks. Once he sends the guys away, Lexi makes him work it off in other ways.

Camryn Kiss en 'Ass In Motion'

Camryn Kiss - Ass In Motion

What a fucking and sucking party. When I say sucking, I mean sucking ass, dick, pussy, tits, and everything in between. The ladies of the night were filled up with lust. The guys are always horny so they do not count. The ladies need them just as much as the party needs music. The music kept everybody in motion. Camryn and her hot ass friend did not want to wait for the after party. They wanted to fuck, so they grabbed a dick and went to town on it. Johnny, I guess, was the closest one, so he fucked right in the club. They fucked with everyone around watching them. This threesome did not miss a step or a position. It was in and out of both of them. Camryn even got her ass filled up and her face blasted.

Lexi Belle en 'and Johnny Sins in My Dad's Hot Girlfriend'

Lexi Belle - My Dad's Hot Girlfriend

Johnny goes over to his dad's house because his pops told him had something important to talk to him about, but when he arrives he only finds his dad's younger woman, Lexi. She informs him that his father had to rush off to the office, like always. Disappointed, Johnny tells her that, although she recently moved in there, she'd better get used to being alone because his dad is constantly working. Lexi's already experienced some of the neglect, and she's ready to get revenge by sucking on Johnny's big cock and taking it deep in her hot, wet pussy!

Krissy Lynn en '2 Chicks Same Time'

Krissy Lynn - 2 Chicks Same Time

Lexi Belle and Krissy Lynn aren't so sure what they think about their new roommate, especially since she left her dog with them all day, and now they have to wait for the dog walker to show up before they can leave. A man knocks on the door looking for his "girl," they automatically think he's arrived to walk the pooch. But after the two hot blondes get naked and seduce him, sucking his big dick and fucking him until he jizzes all over their tits, they find out he's not the dog walker, but their roommate's boyfriend! Oops, accidents happen!

Lexi Belle en 'and Marco Banderas in Naughty Bookworms'

Lexi Belle - Naughty Bookworms

Lexi is late turning in her paper and since her regular professor is not collecting them himself she takes advantage of the Spanish professor but what she doesn't know is that both these professors have discussed her and her extra credit activities so now who's really taking advantage of whom?

Ash Hollywood en '2 Chicks Same Time'

Ash Hollywood - 2 Chicks Same Time

Michael's two female roommates have the hots for him but have agreed not to fuck him while they lived together. When Lexi catches Ash with Michael behind her back, she agrees to break the agreement and just share him.