Krissy Lynn may have been born and raised in the home of the Mormons, Salt Lake City, Utah, but she sure as hell ain't one herself! Booty lovers will agree that the sound of her PAWG booty clapping is like the sweet sound of an angel's wings flapping. After college this babe started dancing at a local strip club and got addicted to the male attention. She relocated to Las Vegas soon after to chase down bigger stages and bigger audiences. For an exhibitionist like Krissy, it was a natural move to head to LA and try the porn biz, where she could show off her curvy body to millions of fans with an eye for quality. She was recognized for her lustful onscreen performances with the 2011 AVN Award for Best Three-Way Sex Scene. Krissy's always been one of our most consistent porn stars, blowing us away with steamy HD porn scenes since 2009.
Krissy Lynn es una des nudista caliente como la mierda que recibe la visita del novio nerd Danny D y su novia mala. La novia de Danny D está tratando de darle la prueba definitiva de su devoción. Ella le ordena específicamente que no toque las tetas grandes y el culo de Krissy Lynn. Pero qué novia no puede ver, no puede doler, ¿verdad? Resulta que Krissy no puede esperar para amordazar la enorme polla de Danny y darle el paseo de su vida.
Cuando Krissy Lynn pilla a su hijastra, Aria Lee, que se desnuda junto a la ventana para ver a la vecina Luca Frost, mira desde la puerta, disfrutando del espectáculo ella misma. Aria le indica a Lucas que se una a ella, pero después de que él se cuela en la casa, Krissy lo detiene en la escalera, sugiriéndole que lo 'caliente' con una mamada rápida antes de visitar la habitación de Aria. Una vez que Lucas está acelerado y listo para follar, se dirige a la habitación de Aria, pero Krissy todavía está buscando divertirse, sorprendiéndolos a ambos en el dormitorio y sugiriendo que puede enseñarles un par de cosas ... y darles un coño extra y boca para jugar!
El hijo de Krissy Lynn ha tenido algunos problemas para hacer amigos, pero parece haberse conectado con Ricky Spanish, quien ha venido a pasar el rato y se queda a cenar. Cuando Ricky va a buscar el baño para lavarse antes de la cena, se topa con Krissy y alcanza a ver rápidamente sus tetas, lo que le hace darse cuenta de que necesita ver más. Afortunadamente para Ricky, la cena ofrece muchas oportunidades gracias al revelador guardarropa de Krissy, sin mencionar su claro interés en poner sus manos en la polla de Ricky.
Aunque Scott Nails se las arregla para follar a Kendra Spade sin ser detectado, su jugueteo fue solo una señal de lo que vendrá porque nada excita a Alexis Fawx más que enviar a Ricky Johnson en una misión para satisfacer sexualmente a otra MILF. Cuando Alexis se da cuenta de que Krissy Lynn lucha con su jardinería, se entera de que el mayor problema de su prístina vecina es la insatisfacción sexual. Esta revelación lleva a Alexis a la conclusión de que necesita enviar a Ricky al lado para que le eche una mano, y mucho más.
¡Es la noche de Halloween y tres brujas sexy de MILF están en una misión para la eterna juventud! Deben reunir tres ingredientes específicos para que su hechizo surta efecto. ¡Krissy Lynn tiene la tarea de recuperar la semilla de un hombre y no le toma mucho tiempo encontrar el espécimen perfecto, Stirling Cooper! Cuando llaman a su esposa para consolar a un amigo, Krissy se lanza sobre el tonto desprevenido. ¡Todo lo que se necesita es la boca cálida y húmeda de Krissy en la polla de Stirling para que abandone su semilla! ¡Pero un poco de mierda también sería divertido! ¡Feliz Halloween!
Compartir una cama con el padre de su novia no es lo que Lucas Frost tenía en mente cuando aceptó unirse a su familia en sus vacaciones de verano. Kyle intenta colarse en un poco de acción nocturna con su novia mientras su madre, Krissy Lynn, está dormida. Kyle queda atrapado y Krissy decide tener una conversación individual con su potencial yerno. Los dos terminan rápidamente compartiendo más que solo palabras, ya que Krissy Lynn le permite a Kyle liberar sus impulsos sexuales para que puedan disfrutar de sus vacaciones. ¡Un buen puto duro sin duda pondrá una sonrisa en sus caras!
La caliente MILF Krissy Lynn intenta tomar un baño agradable y relajante, pero la amiga astuta de su hijo, Lil D, se desliza dentro de la bañera con ella. Después de un momento de conmoción y vacilación, Krissy decide aprovechar al máximo la situación, dejando que Lil D la enjabone y masajee sus amplios activos antes de satisfacer su ansia por una puta anal húmeda y salvaje.
El esposo de Krissy está demasiado ocupado mirando el juego para darle los golpes que necesita. Cuando Justin viene golpeando en busca de donaciones para su equipo de fútbol universitario, ha encontrado la polla adecuada para llenar su jugoso coño. Krissy lo invita a entrar, dispuesto a darle todo lo que quiera, ¡y listo para tomar cada centímetro de su palpitante polla!
Krissy Lynn está aburrida en el trabajo, por lo que se toma un pequeño descanso en su escritorio para masturbarse; en segundos, su jefe la atrapa. ¡Esta es la tercera vez en esta semana que la sorprenden masturbándose en la oficina y su jefe ya ha tenido suficiente! A medida que él le da lecciones de ser profesional, la ira de Krissy crece hasta que ella finalmente reacciona: después de insultar a todos en la oficina, ella renuncia. Cuando su jefe le dice que deje de hacer una escena, Krissy lo toma como un desafío. ¡Agarra al compañero de trabajo Xander Corvus y lo folla y lo chupa justo en frente de su jefe y su otro compañero de trabajo!
Jade Baker sabe que no debe esperar a la directora a esperar, después de todo, su asistencia a la escuela más prestigiosa del estado está en juego. Krissy Lynn tiene una reputación de ser demasiado dura con sus alumnos, pero ve algo diferente en Jade, su potencial. Lo que comienza como una lección en clase y estado, rápidamente se convierte en una fiesta de zorras, mientras Krissy saca su consolador de cristal más caro y ¡comienza a rellenarlo con el coño mojado y joven de su estudiante! ¿Y para el curso principal? ¡Tanto esta MILF como su juguete de mierda de 21 años se turnan para ponerse una correa gruesa, golpear el coño y chupar las jugosas tetas de cada uno! Es un trabajo duro, pero Krissy Lynn está dedicada al orgasmo de su estudiante.
Hurto en tiendas es un arte que Evelin Stone ha dominado, pero masturbarse en el vestuario es la piedra angular de su plan. La rubia y tetona propietaria de una tienda, Krissy Lynn, sospechó que algo estaba pasando cuando esta cachonda morena caminó justo antes de cerrar, pero alcanzando el trato con sus sellos falsos: ¡es hora de que lo castiguen! Con el propio consolador de Evelin metido en su boca, Krissy se abre camino hasta este apretado coño y penetra su lengua! Esta rubia MILF no ha terminado aún, regresando con un strap-on tan grande, Evelin nunca querrá robar de nuevo. Entre deepthroating esa gran polla falsa y montarla mientras golpea su coño mojado, es seguro decir que Evelin aprendió su lección - ¡el crimen paga!
A Krissy le encanta redecorar. Si bien hace solo unos meses, consideraba que las alfombras de cualquier tipo eran increíblemente horteras, las de Krissy recientemente cambiaron de parecer; no hay nada de malo con un poco de pelusa extra aquí y allá. Si bien su marido no está completamente convencido de la idea, está dispuesto a aguantar su impulso de diseño de interiores. Cuando su joven vecina, Xander, se detiene con un trozo de alfombra para que la pareja lo pruebe, Krissy se queda intrigada al instante: no ha visto a Xander desde que se fue a la universidad y, ¡ay !, ha crecido. Krissy espera que Xander aprecie una buena alfombra pasada de moda tanto como ella ... porque está a punto de bajar sus bragas y darle un vistazo a las de ella.
Después de años de crear algunas de las prendas más excitantes del mundo, la decidida diseñadora de moda Krissy se ha encontrado perdiendo fuerza. Parece que ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que se inspiró para hacer algo de vanguardia: está desesperada por encontrar esa chispa de nuevo. Cuando Krissy le pide a Alex, su asistente, que pruebe una de sus piezas más famosas por los viejos tiempos, descubre que su polla es demasiado grande para el diseño. De repente, Krissy tiene un verdadero momento eureka. ¿Alex acaba de inspirar su diseño más llamativo?
El día antes de que su hijastro Robby se vaya a la universidad, Krissy quiere darle al futuro estudiante de primer año un regalo de despedida que nunca olvidará. Ella sabe cuánto le gusta entrar furtivamente a su habitación y oler sus bragas, por lo que piensa que lo asegurará con un pequeño alijo para ayudarlo cuando esté caliente y lejos de casa. Mientras ella está en ello, bien podría darle al estudiante trabajador una prueba de lo real ...
Cuando Krissy entra en el bar de jugos en el que trabaja Aubrey, Aubrey no puede evitar fantasear sobre cómo sería ponerse las tetas perfectas de su cliente. Después de impaciencia, Krissy saca a Aubrey de su ensoñación de ensueño, entra en pánico y arroja algo de (¡jadeo!) Espinaca de grado regular en el orden específico de Krissy, solo orgánico. No hace falta decir que Krissy no reacciona bien a la bebida contaminada y decide darle a Aubrey una probada de sus propios "jugos orgánicos" para mostrarle cómo se hace.
Kat va a obtener su primera cera de bikini brasileña porque su nuevo marido no es un gran admirador de su arbusto. Pero su esteticista, la sexy Krissy, quiere convencer a Kat de que Bush puede ser mejor. Le mostrará a la tímida Kat lo caliente que puede ser un poco de pelo ... y lo bien que se siente cuando estás haciendo tijeras.
Después de un duro día trabajando la tierra, Krissy decide que se ha merecido un descanso. Así que decide aparcar su camioneta e invitar a Xander a disfrutar de una pequeña tarde. Xander ofrece ser un gran vecino y lubricar la grupa redonda de Krissy. Krissy disfruta de los placeres simples de la vida, así que inclinarse sobre la media tonelada y hacer que su país sea follado por el culo es para ella el paraíso.
Krissy le hace un favor a su amiga cuando le dice que revisará la casa cuando no esté. Después de escuchar algunos ruidos en el piso de arriba, decide verificar de qué se trata todo el alboroto. Cuando tropieza con un grupo de juguetes sexuales y látigos en la habitación de Small Hands, no puede evitar sentirse un poco intrigada. Small Hand pasa por atrapar a Krissy en el acto jugando con sus BDSM. Krissy cree que puede darle a Small Hand un pequeño tutorial sobre cómo funciona esto, tal vez finalmente aprenda a entrenar a su MILF.
Kylie arrastró a su novio a la apertura de su documental de arte de crisis de la mediana edad. Alex piensa en otras formas en que puede pasar el tiempo, como cuando Kylie lo chupa en el teatro. Su entrometida madrastra sigue mirándolos a los dos, por lo que tendrá que follarla en el piso bajo. Kylie lleva a Alex a la sala de proyección para terminar esta fiesta de mierda, el único problema es que su madrastra caliente y cachonda quiere una parte de la acción. Krissy está decidida a meter el frasco de película masiva de Alex en su apretado coño mientras prueba el arrebato de confitería de Kylie. ¡Seguro que será un clímax cinemático!
El bar de deportes del novio de Krissy está reemplazando la valla publicitaria que la presenta por dos jóvenes y calientes camareras. Krissy está furiosa cuando ve a las mismas chicas reemplazándola jugando en vez de trabajar. Ella pone sus apretados culos en el trabajo haciéndolos restregar el piso mientras mira. Sheena y Uma son astutas y entusiastas y saben que Krissy solo quiere chupar y follar sus estrechos y pequeños coños y Sheena y Uma aman una buena follada traviesa.
Rowdy Krissy es la luchadora más dominante de todos los tiempos. Habiendo borrado toda la división de mujeres, se fija en la división masculina. Ella va a conseguirlo con el mejor luchador Mickey Mod, y si ella es victoriosa, ella habrá tomado más de la dignidad de Mickey, ella también habrá tomado su dura polla palpitante.
Tyler Nixon es un imbécil sin esperanza cuando se trata de complacer a las damas. Afortunadamente, su madrastra Krissy Lynn se apiada de él y contrata a una joven prostituta llamada Anya Ivy para que Tyler practique sus movimientos. Incapaz de ayudarse a sí misma, Krissy pronto se une a la refriega, comenzando un festival de folladas de tres vías muy travieso.
La hija de Krissy Lynn está teniendo una fiesta en la piscina y Krissy no podría estar más emocionada. Está lista para abalanzarse sobre una polla gruesa y joven, ¡así que se une a la fiesta con el bikini más deslumbrante que hayas visto! Su hija le ruega que cambie, pero Krissy le dice que se relaje. Luego busca a tientas a todos los amigos varones jóvenes de su hija, tratando de sentir quién tiene la polla más grande. Finalmente, acorrala al novio de su hija y descubre que tiene la polla más grande de todas. Ella le da al joven afortunado una paja debajo del agua y luego lo introduce en la casa para una sesión secreta.
Imagínese presentarse a una entrevista de trabajo, y mientras se encuentra con su nuevo jefe, ¿una persona contratada se abalanza sobre usted debajo de la mesa de entrevistas? Eso es exactamente lo que le sucedió a Krissy Lynn cuando entró para venderse en el trabajo de sus sueños. Un tipo al azar puso su cara entre sus piernas y le mostró sus habilidades de cunnilingus. Mientras pudo soportarlo, Johnny se lamió el clítoris y cuando ella le pidió que se comiera el culo, lamió su prístina yugal. Entonces Johnny se jodió la parte posterior de su garganta y dobló a Krissy sobre la mesa para cerrarle el coño. ¿Disfrutaba Krissy de la obscena joder de su vida Y ganaba la carrera de sus sueños? ¡Mira la escena completa de Brazzers para enterarte!
Krissy Lynn estaba haciendo autostop en todo Estados Unidos, usando sus grandes tetas para ir de paseo, cuando Mick Blue se detuvo para recogerla. Estuvo en el auto por menos de cinco minutos antes de comenzar a ser irrespetuosa y molesta, haciendo que Mick se detuviera para echarla. Pero cuando ella no se iría sin importar lo que él dijera, ¡Mick decidió que le tocaba a él enseñarle a esta zorra cachonda un poco de respeto! Él la desnudó y luego le lamió el coño y el culo hasta que se mojó. Mick jodió los tres agujeros apretados de Krissy, y Krissy deepthroated esa polla como un profesional antes de tomarlo bolas profundamente en su coño rosado y culo apretado.
Cuando la tetona nena Krissy Lynn fue arrestada y destrozó propiedad de la escuela, pintando mujeres desnudas por todas partes, fue enviada al consejero guía Manuel Ferrara. Krissy siempre había sido una buena estudiante, así que Manuel recurre a sus años de experiencia para descubrir que lo que realmente necesita es un poco de atención. Manuel se chupa las grandes tetas y adora esas preciosas jarras hasta que se pone duro. Krissy chupa y titty se folla a su gran polla y luego extiende sus piernas para que pueda tomar bolas profundas en su pequeño y apretado coño rosado. Finalmente, Manuel dispara una gran carga de semen justo entre sus tetas grandes, y Krissy aprende una valiosa lección sobre el respeto de las propiedades de otras personas.
Toni Ribas está juzgando el Triassatlón en los Juegos Olímpicos internacionales, por lo que el Equipo Brazzers envió tres culos internacionales para jugar con él. ¡Krissy Lynn, Rose Monroe y Nikki Delano trajeron su juego A, sus actitudes cachondas, y por supuesto sus asnos grandes y jugosos, así que Ramón tuvo su trabajo hecho para él en este! Comenzó lentamente, aceitando sus grandes botines gordos y luego lamiéndolos y acariciándolos hasta que estuvieron listos para ser follados. Luego, golpeó a los tres de esos pendejos apretados uno por uno hasta que estuvo listo para volar una carga de grasa en todas sus caras bonitas. Pero ¿cómo va a decidir él sobre un ganador cuando todos sus traseros son tan malditamente sexys?
Eva Angelina y Krissy Lynn se están juntando para una agradable cena romántica de Navidad, y Krissy tiene el regalo perfecto para su amante lesbiana lujuriosa: ¡una tetona completamente natural llamada Luna Kitsuen! Eva y Krissy reventan sus juguetes favoritos para jugar con su nueva fuckdoll. Eva se pone un strap-on y lo entierra profundamente en el diminuto y pequeño culo de Luna, mientras que Krissy se lame el coño y se la follan en el culo con un buen consolador de vidrio. Una vez que todo el mundo se haya corrido bien y se hayan saciado el convite de Navidad, es hora de guardar los juguetes, pero ¿cómo superará Krissy ese año que viene?
Cuando Danny D cae de una escalera en la tienda, se golpea la cabeza y comienza a tener el sueño más maravilloso: tres de las chicas más calientes y tetonas, Krissy Lynn, Mia Lelani y Romi Rain, burlándose de él con atuendos escasos y herramientas eléctricas. ¡No hay que perder una oportunidad, Danny saca su polla gorda para que puedan ponerse a trabajar y darle una verdadera satisfacción! Se folla a esas bellezas pechugonas de a una por vez mientras las otras dos se comen, y una vez que se la follan con todas sus bocas, rostros y grandes tetas, ¡da a esas chicas de ensueño el rostro de su vida!
Krissy está ayudando a vender galletas de mujer amaderada para su hermana pequeña enferma. ¡Ella todavía tiene su viejo uniforme! El único problema es que ahora es un poco pequeña, así que cuando llega a la casa de Bill, ¡sus grandes tetas se derraman desde su parte superior! Bill puede decir que ella quiere ser follada, por lo que trabaja su magia, y muy pronto él baja sus manos por sus bragas blancas de algodón frotando su clítoris. Una vez que su coño está bien y húmedo, Bill le da a esa nena tetona que habla sucia la buena puta dura que ha estado esperando.
La señora Krissy Lynn no va a parar hasta que esté jodida para su total satisfacción hoy. Su compañera sexual, Catie Parker, quiere adorar los pies y el cuerpo de su ama, y luego se consume con las manos. Verás, Catie necesita un pequeño recordatorio práctico de cómo ser una buena chica, y le ha suplicado a su amante que no se aparte de las cosas difíciles. Krissy va a utilizar sus dedos, su lengua y sus azotes en el culo para aprender las lecciones de hoy. Una vez que Catie se corra una y otra vez, será el turno de Krissy de ceder al placer del momento.
Día tras día, Johnny ha estado filmando a su colega sexy, la Dra. Krissy Lynn, en sus descansos. El dinero se acumula para estos clips cortos y sensuales de desnudos "amateurs". Un día, Krissy lo atrapa con las manos en la masa con su cámara apuntando hacia un desagradable video de upskirt ¡y se enoja tanto! Pero una vez que esta cachonda Milf descubre cuántos seguidores de internet quieren verla desnuda, Krissy decide ir hasta aquí con esta. Veremos cómo a los fanáticos les gusta ver el striptease de la Dra. Lynn (¡a propósito esta vez!), Y luego humedecer la polla de Johnny como un profesional.
¡Ten tu polla en la mano para el tiempo sucio de la historia de Krissy Lynn! Hoy te contará la historia de Little Red Ride-Him-Good, la pequeña zorra más sosa de la ciudad. Está corriendo por el bosque haciendo un mandado, cuando se da cuenta de que un extraño está mirando su trasero redondo y gordo. Ella se inclina para recoger algunas flores, y cuando lo hace, la gran y extraña extraña aparece lista para lanzar sus bolas de polla dura profundamente en su culo.
La enfermera jefe cachonda Krissy Lynn no puede esperar hasta el final de su turno para dejar que su amigo se salga con la suya con su culo jugoso. A estos cachondos empleados no les importa que el jefe esté de gira por nuevos estudiantes de medicina o que estén siendo observados a través de un espejo especial de dos vías. Todo lo que les importa es encontrar un lugar tranquilo donde Erik pueda golpear su coño hasta que se corra una y otra vez.
El matrimonio de Krissy ha ido un poco cuesta abajo. No es que ella no esté cachonda; es que el sexo con su esposo Johnny es TAN aburrido. Pero Krissy tiene un secreto: ¡cuando su maridito sale, abre su trasero a cualquier hombre que lo tenga! Cuando Johnny se entera, Krissy decide enseñarle a su hombre cómo darle a su esposa.
Johnny está harto de estudiar, y no puede obtener la información de biología a través de su cabeza. Krissy puede ser inteligente, pero también tiene muchas otras habilidades. Ella decide enseñarle a Johnny sobre los rituales de apareamiento de diferentes especies. Huele, toca, prueba ... Krissy no dejará nada, y Johnny rápidamente descubre que no puede resistirse a sus tácticas. ¡Después de todo, él es solo humano!
Krissy se siente sola y llama a uno de sus buenos clientes para una llamada de botín. Después de que Mick le cuelga en la cara, aparece en su casa sin anunciarse. Mick exige que lo deje en paz; sin embargo, después de ser objeto de burlas con sus productos, ¡sucumbe a sus esfuerzos! Mick le da una cara llena ... después del intercambio de dinero.
Durante mucho tiempo se nos ha enseñado que los padres fundadores lideraron la Revolución estadounidense como respuesta a la tiranía de sus amos británicos. Pero, ¿y si hubiera otra razón, una que fuera tan indeciblemente sucia como para borrarla de los libros de historia para siempre? Este Día de la Independencia, Brazzers revela los eventos de la vida real que llevaron a la fundación del país más grande del mundo, América the booby-ful.
Krissy recibe un masaje que no olvidará.
Krissy Lynn es una pequeña sheriff del pueblo a la que acaban de dar la noticia de que hay un grupo de vendedores ambulantes que supuestamente están filmando porno ilegalmente en su bella ciudad. Con un equipo de cámara siguiéndola como testigo, el sheriff Lynn aparece en el set solo para encontrar un porno patéticamente mediocre siendo asesinado ... y lo que es peor ... ¡tienen todos los documentos y permisos para disparar! Para evitar más vergüenza, ella decididamente permanece en el set para asegurarse de que no ocurran "ilegalidades" y pronto se encuentra dando consejos y eventualmente PARTICIPANDO en la escena en sí misma. Únete a Brazzers en un paseo de tetas caliente y salvaje en "¡ESTE ES UN BUSTO!"
Mick es un famoso actor adorado y obsesionado por sus fanáticos. Un día llega a casa y encuentra un DVD misteriosamente dejado en su mesa de café. Curiosidad para vencerlo, Mick ve el DVD y ve a Krissy follandose en el culo con un consolador en su habitación. Krissy claramente ha llevado su amor por Mick a un nivel completamente nuevo. Mick sube a su habitación para investigar y encuentra a Krissy esperando en su cama. Krissy no se irá hasta que Mick le golpee el culo. Mick no tiene más remedio que arruinar su culo con su gran polla si alguna vez quiere que se vaya.
Krissy contrata a un par de prostitutas (Phoenix y Brooklyn) para realizar un espectáculo sexual privado para ella en una habitación de hotel. Cuando les informa a los dos que quiere ver a Phoenix dominar Brooklyn, Brooklyn se opone diciendo que nunca accedió a hacer una "S" y Rendimiento al estilo M "Phoenix rápidamente pone a la perra en su lugar, lo que hace que Krissy parezca no creer. A Krissy no le lleva mucho tiempo involucrarse y para el final de la noche, Brooklyn tendrá todos los agujeros de su cuerpo estirados más allá de la creencia de los gustos del Dynamic Femdom Duo de Phoenix y Krissy
Krissy Lynn está solicitando un puesto de oficina en la compañía de Keiran Lee. Lo único es que su experiencia laboral se basa más en la categoría stripper / prostituta que en la de secretaria. Innecesario decir, Keiran toma ventaja de esto y le pide que le dé una probada del tipo de cosas, Krissy era conocida antes de postularse para este puesto.
Krissy Lynn, Mackenzie Pierce y Juelz Ventura son tres chicas amantes de las armas cuyas únicas pasiones aparte del manejo de armas son follar y chupar pollas enormes. Después de una seria sesión de disparos en el campo de tiro, estas chicas se emocionan tanto con la adrenalina que sus libidos se convierten en un frenesí. ¡A medida que las balas disparan los coños húmedos, la avalancha los arrastra a una orgía que dejará su arma disparando en el aire por más!
Hot-tempered Krissy Lynn era una esposa infeliz después de descubrir que su marido Keiran la engañó con Brittney Banxxx mientras ella estaba de viaje de negocios. Para vengarse, hace que Keiran y Brittney la vean teniendo sexo con el marido de Brittney, Charles. Cuando esta confusión se convierta en un cuarteto lleno de vapor, ¿esta "terapia de parejas" curará la rabia de Krissy para siempre?
A Krissy le encanta tenerlo adentro; su culo solo recompensa grandes pollas con el placer de batirlas. En esta escena, Krissy juega un modelo caro cuya actitud asquerosa necesita un poco de disciplina; para servir como el ejecutor es Keiran quien tiene una historia de enderezar a las chicas con actitudes engreídas.
Krissy está cachonda como el infierno. Ella solo está ocupándose de su negocio, pasando el tiempo alrededor de la piscina. Pero algo falta ... una gran polla. Por suerte para ella, su amigo Tony ha establecido un compañero de juegos para ella. Cuando regresa a la casa, está encantada de encontrar a James Deen esperándola. ¡Tiempo para divertirse!
Keiran y Krissy parecen una pareja amorosa normal, pero dentro de su casa yace un secreto profundo, oscuro y cachondo. Cuando Scott viene a buscar a su amigo perdido, Krissy lo invita a la casa a tomar un té helado. Sin embargo, no hay té helado, solo hay putas preciosas y sexo sucio y sudoroso ... y secretos ... secretos malvados. No mires debajo de las escaleras ...
Yurizan y Krissy son amantes lesbianas secretas que son llevadas al hospital tras sufrir un accidente automovilístico, nada serio, pero necesitan atención para el latigazo cervical. Mientras espera ver a un doctor, Yurizan revela información crucial a Krissy justo cuando llega el doctor Jordan. Pronto descubre la verdad y quiere vengarse.
La sesión sexual de Krissy con su novio de larga distancia se trunca cuando Johnny llega para una sesión de estudio. Se sientan a estudiar, pero Krissy claramente tiene otras cosas en mente y comienza a frotar la pierna de Johnny debajo del escritorio. Los dos comienzan a besarse, pero luego suena el teléfono. Es el novio de Krissy. Johnny continúa hasta que los dos están llenos de mierda con el novio de Krissy en la línea.
Krissy viene a una entrevista de trabajo para ser camarera en un restaurante llamado Tooters. Jordan le da una oportunidad y le da un uniforme para probar. Cuando sale vestida, los ojos de Jordan se abultan al ver su dulce dedo del pie de camello, sus piernas sexy y sus juggs. Jordan ahora le mostrará cómo rodar en Tooters poniéndola a través de un ejercicio de entrenamiento muy erótico.
A través de los milenios ha habido innumerables guerreros que se follan con un talento tan crudo y un poder vigoroso. Hoy, estos guerreros se han reunido para follar en el torneo Brazzers Kombat. Solo los guerreros con tanta destreza sexual pueden pretender ser el campeón. Te enfrentarás a los coños más calientes, húmedos y sensuales. ¿TIENES lo que se necesita para ser el campeón de Brazzers Kombat?
Kevin es un prisionero de guerra y maltratado, pero tiene esperanza. Todavía tiene una foto de su niña, Krissy, para masturbarse. Está desesperado el día en que es maltratado y los guardias le roban la foto. Sin embargo, ese mismo día, Krissy viene al rescate. Ella lo folla de nuevo a la salud para que puedan salir de allí.
Un joven genio cachondo construye robots en su apartada mansión y los utiliza para la satisfacción sexual. Su búsqueda para crear su primer robot impecable es efímera ya que los robots desarrollan emociones humanas y los celos comienzan a romper sus relaciones. Protagonizada por Johnny Sins y Krissy Lynn en este thriller de ciencia ficción pornográfico que te mantiene en el borde de tu asiento con tu polla dura en la mano. ¡Advertencia! Este video contiene escenas del lenguaje del curso, la desnudez y la violencia. La discreción del espectador es aconsejable.
Krissy Lynn está harta de ser castigada por sitios de aficionados donde la obligan a follar chicos con pollas pequeñas. Después de salir del set ella llama a su agente pidiendo ser elegida en el sitio de Brazzers Pornstars Like it Big. En lugar de llamarla por las estrellas porno, me gusta, los reclutadores grandes la secuestran y la ponen con la enorme polla de Keiran Lee y hacen que su sueño finalmente se haga realidad.
Krissy Lynn es dirigida por el director Steele a su oficina. Aparentemente su comportamiento en la escuela no ha estado a la par con la reputación de la institución. Él se vuelve loco cuando se da cuenta de lo escasa que hizo su atuendo. Ella desafía su autoridad y lo lleva al punto donde tiene que mostrarle quién es el verdadero jefe aquí.
Krissy es una chica deportiva y se despierta temprano el fin de semana para hacer su carrera diaria en el parque. Keiran también está haciendo una carrera en el parque y queda atónita por la belleza de Krissy que corre junto con ella, pero se queda mirando sus tetas sin parar hasta que ella le pregunta si él quiere verlos ... Keiran quiere mucho más que solo mirarlos . Él los adorará y le dará un golpe con el que estará soñando durante mucho tiempo por venir.
Kryssy Lynn, reportero de Brazzers Cumfidential está en el set de Brazzers del sitio premiado con AVN. Ella está filmando una escena detrás de la escena sobre cómo se filma una escena de sexo y todo el trabajo que se tiene que poner en uno. Siendo excitado por toda la acción, Krissy está siendo guiada en el asiento delantero con Scott Nails para una intérprete femenina exclusiva, junto con la sexy Nika Noire.
Jayden y Krissy son miembros del equipo de buceo de Brazzers. Sin embargo, los dos han comenzado a actuar como divas últimamente y su entrenador, el Sr. Pete, no está muy contento con su comportamiento de malcriado. El Sr. Pete les miente por llegar tarde y los amenaza con expulsarlos del equipo si no comienzan a ser más responsables. El comportamiento de las chicas no cambia pero saben cómo tratar con el entrenador para escaparse
Krissy Lynn's alluring aura can make any man, like Max Fills, want her. The MILF wears a violet satin robe with black lingerie and stockings underneath, accentuating her sexy figure. Krissy exposes her perky small tits before moving her thong out of the way, exposing her hairy pussy. Without hesitation, Max's tongue slithers on the raven-haired hottie's wet core and follows it with an erotic fingering until she cums. After, the slim babe bends over and gives the lucky stud a blowjob-handjob combo before they fuck in cowgirl and reverse cowgirl. Sliding off, the enchanting tattooed MILF deepthroats the guy's dick once again, then continues their amorous activities in missionary and spoons. They enjoy each other's passionate company until Max pulls out and spills his cum on Krissy's crotch.
Mark's wife took him out for his birthday, a bash with plenty of drinks, dancing, strippers and all. He's so hungover he can't remember a damn thing, but when he wakes up he doesn't find his wife next to him in bed ... he finds the stripper, Krissy Lynn! She tells him that his wife got into her and they all ended up going back to the house to play, although he passed out. When his wife got paged to go to work at the hospital, Krissy stayed over ... and now she's ready to get fucked by a married man!
Krissy Lynn is sick an tired of her son Billy being bullied all the time at school so she will take matters into her own hands and confront the guy, but oh surprise Danny Mountain the brother of the bully opens up the door and makes Krissy Lynn's pussy so wet that she eventually comes to a deal that in return for making his brother stop picking on Krissy's little pussy son he gets to fuck her and keep coming for more.
I don't think I've been that horny in a while. To just write on some random hot dude's football my address and to meet me there' it's not usually like me. But, fuck, I needed to get fucked really bad, and when I saw him at the park I just needed it. Luckily he got my note scribbled on his ball and he showed up. My pussy was drenched by the time he shoved his cock inside of it; it felt so fucking good. And I didn't even mind that he left right afterward since his friend had been waiting for him outside. It was just what I needed.
James was referred to masseuse Krissy Lynn because of her amazing hands and her ability to make people feel good, so he gives her a shot. He tells her that he strained his groin the other day working out, and that it really needs to be relaxed and rubbed. Lucky for him, Krissy knows how to rub out pain and make everything all better ' just the way she tugs on his cock and fucks him until his balls are drained!
Lexi Belle and Krissy Lynn aren't so sure what they think about their new roommate, especially since she left her dog with them all day, and now they have to wait for the dog walker to show up before they can leave. A man knocks on the door looking for his "girl," they automatically think he's arrived to walk the pooch. But after the two hot blondes get naked and seduce him, sucking his big dick and fucking him until he jizzes all over their tits, they find out he's not the dog walker, but their roommate's boyfriend! Oops, accidents happen!
Krissy Lynn and her boyfriend's son Johnny get into a small argument about how each doesn't work. But Krissy says it's her job to look hot for his dad, and Johnny knows how sexy she is as he's always spying on her when she's changing and showering. Funny thing is that they're practically the same age -- the even went to the same college! And those are good enough commonalities for Krissy to pull out Johnny's hard cock and suck it and fuck it, giving it the good ol' college try.
Derick has just finished his lecture covering his new self help book "Think It Through". As he is about to leave, a fan enters the conference room and wants to meet him. She can't stop raving about his book and his work and asks for an autograph. He tells her to come into his office, but she wants his autograph right now...and on her breast! He tries to sign it without grabbing her other breast, but he just can't help himself. She is just not stopping nor is she taking no for an answer.
I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm going to meet up with a sugar daddy. Since me and my husband separated, I haven't been able to get used to working three jobs and taking care of our kids all at once. I'm happy my girlfriend gave me his number, because I really need the money and I really need the sex. I'm hoping it's a good experience. Wish me luck!
Krissy Lynn and Will Powers are coming back from mountain biking. It seems like they have chemistry going when they talk fondly about things they have in common. Looks as though she wants to ride something else and prepares herself for the bumpy road ahead. Krissy and will do have a lot in common and fucking is one of them!
Krissy Lynn is so pissed at her boyfriend's son because he left his dirty laundry all over the place.. again. His dad's not there so Krissy tells him to shape up or ship out but when he starts getting flirty with his old man's arm-candy, he's got a once in a lifetime chance to be bumpin ulgies with his dad's hot girlfriend!!
I always get what I want; it's kind of my thing. I want the best and that's what I'm having tonight. I want to fuck Krissy Lynn's fat titties and I want her to love it. I want to shove my entire cock and balls down her throat and have her ask for more. She'll want it so bad that by the time her wet pussy gets to feel my cock plowing deep, she'll actually beg me to give it to her. That's what I want tonight. That's what I'm getting.
When a sexy woman gets her hands on a pretty 19 year old petite Natalia, Krissy just cannot wait to pull her cotton panties off and taste her sweet tight young teen pussy juices. Krissy brings all her experience to the bed and shows tiny Natalia all the secret girl tricks of licking, fingering and bringing their pussies to orgasm.
Here's another great compilation with the horniest and nastiest MILFs from our catalog. These experienced fuck dolls enjoy getting their tight asses fucked hard! Enjoy!00:01 - Alexis 1st Anal02:05 - All Anal 44 Ass04:02 - Britney Mandingo Anal05:49 - Deep Anal Action07:56 - Hot Anal Milf09:59 - Hot Sarah Anal Milf12:03 - Make Christie Gape14:05 - Cherie Meets Mandingo16:01 - Milfs Do It Best!18:07 - Phoenix In Prime MILF 2
I can't believe I'm doing this, but I'm going to meet up with a sugar daddy. Since me and my husband separated, I haven't been able to get used to working three jobs and taking care of our kids all at once. I'm happy my girlfriend gave me his number, because I really need the money and I really need the sex. I'm hoping it's a good experience. Wish me luck!
Bigtit milf Krissy Lynn knows that her new stepson, Tony, resents her for marrying her father. She tries to be motherly to him anyway. Sometimes that means nagging him about helping out around the house. Sometimes that means cooking him dinner. No matter what Krissy tries, Tony refuses to accept her. When he finally snaps at Krissy that he doesn't know why his dad married a homewrecker like her, though, Krissy has had enough. She disappears and then comes back clad in revealing lingerie to show her stepson exactly what his daddy sees in his new mommy.Grabbing Tony's hand, Krissy puts it on her breast so he can feel her huge titties. Then she turns around and shakes that ass in Tony's face. Krissy can see how hard Tony is as she sinks to her knees in front of him and unzips his pants. Tony tries to remind Krissy that this is wrong, but she can't answer because her mouth is too full of Tony's cock. That deep throat BJ convinces Tony that he needs to see this through, so they relocate to the bedroom.Once Tony has had a nice squeeze of mommy's boobs and has slid his fingers down her meaty pussy lips, he gets Krissy onto her hands and knees. Whipping his cock out, he slams it in. Their fucking is fueled by a mutual dislike of one another as Krissy watches Tony dominate her greedy hairy snatch and Tony finally gets to roll those big boobs in his palms. When Krissy gets on top to ride Tony, she can't help but throw her head back as she climaxes. Moments later after she has climbed off of Tony and is still on her hands and knees, Krissy gets Tony's cum shot all over her big ass. At least he can see why his dad married her now.
It was a little strange to see Krissy Lynn, my daughters best friend at the house today. Krissy was looking for my daughter but she went away on a trip and I thought Krissy knew that. Something was definitely up and I was right! Krissy started massaging my feet and before I knew it she was kissing me! I was so stunned and so horny that I didn't know what to do. At first. Once I regained my senses I knew I wanted her in the worst way. We spent the rest of the afternoon in our pantyhose and in each others arms and between each others legs! The best mature porn videos are here on my official site,!
This Mother's Day, it's important to show how much we appreciate all the hard work that goes into motherhood, and what better way than by giving our MYLF of the Month, Krissy Lynn, multiple screaming orgasms! The incredible matriarch does so many important jobs around the house, from baking to gardening, and most importantly, sucking huge cock, that she deserves a big reward. Krissy soaks up every bit of pleasure as our stud strokes inside her nurturing pussy, bringing her to the edge of bliss with every thrust. And as she trembles in orgasmic delight, we can only hope every MILF gets this kind of attention this Mother's Day!
I don't think I've been that horny in a while. To just write on some random hot dude's football my address and to meet me there … it's not usually like me. But, fuck, I needed to get fucked really bad, and when I saw him at the park I just needed it. Luckily he got my note scribbled on his ball and he showed up. My pussy was drenched by the time he shoved his cock inside of it; it felt so fucking good. And I didn't even mind that he left right afterward since his friend had been waiting for him outside. It was just what I needed.
This beautiful mature slut Krissy Lynn shows up all her attributes, her big tits, big ass, and perfect body, now she is ready for you, she is eager to catch your cock and give you a very good blowjob, also give a rub on your dick with her big tits for a while then she goes on her knees up the couch on doggy position and you can bury your cock in her wet pussy, then she turns around and spread wide her legs and exposed for you her cun and you insert your dick deeper in her pussy, she screaming and moan of emotion while you insert your dick one and one more time, then she wants to ride your cock, first forward and after backward, after that she give you a foot job and blowjob, before she is ready and beg you to deposit your hot jizz on her big tits.
Krissy loves to date white boys but she only fucks black men. She brings home her new boyfriend and just as he thinks it's going to be the day he deals the deal, he's stopped in his tracks by the two dudes sitting on his girlfriend's couch. Krissy explains that her sexuality is far-reaching and that she wants him to watch her but no touching. She tells him she met these guy at the club and has been strictly fucking them ever since. He's not so sure about this at first, but warms up to it and soon is beating off while his girlfriend takes two dicks at once.
When Lucas goes to pick up him and his wife's friend, Krissy Lynn, to go on a double date, he finds Krissy lagging to get out the door. Krissy goes upstairs to get changed for their shindig but takes her sweet time getting into sexy lingerie. See - Krissy knows Lucas will get impatient and come check on her, only to find her irresistible in her attire. Nothing like a quick sneaky fuck before dinner!
Krissy Lynn is a busybody stepmom, She's cleaning her stepsons' bed until to her dismay she finds a condom. She confronts her son explaining that only sexually promiscuous women use condoms and that's not the type of girl adequate for his first time. Krissy points out that his first time should be with someone he trusts, someone who cares about him, someone like her. Ricky is shocked. But Krissy wanted to show him that it's no fun to use a condom. She takes out her perfect tits and drops her panties. Ricky touches her round ass and tight pussy. Krissy is eager to ride that young cock. She gets pounded until he cums all over her.
It's Valentine's Day, the first that Oliver Flynn, his stepmom Krissy Lynn, and Krissy's adopted daughter, Anya Olson are spending together. Anya is super into Oliver, always trying to suck his dick. When Krissy walks in on Oliver writing out Valentine's for his class at school, she insists that he make one for Oliver, too. When Oliver gives Anya the card, she gives him a huge hug and tells him he's the best brother ever.The next day, Anya gives Oliver his Valentine's gifts. She wraps up in a super soft blanket and urges Oliver to touch it. When he finally agrees, Anya makes her move and tries to get Oliver to touch her pussy next. The two are just arguing about it when Krissy walks in and presents them with couples underwear in an effort to get them to get along. Oliver gets in reluctantly with an enthusiastic sister and they stay that way together for five minutes to make Krissy happy.On Valentine's Day proper, Krissy and Anya put on matching lingerie sets and wait for Oliver in his room, which they've decorated with the soft blanket and rose petals. When he walks in, the girls both crawl across the bed to give him a BJ and they won't take no for an answer! When Oliver is nice and hard, Anya finally gets to enjoy the D as Oliver fucks her while Krissy cradles her torso. Then Anya takes a spin on Oliver's dick while Krissy rides her face. Krissy gets on her knees for her next go with Oliver, and then Oliver lays down so Krissy can ride him as he squeezes her big melons. That's as much as Oliver can take before he explodes in Krissy's mouth, giving his sister a mouthful of his salty man juice.
Unfulfilled Housewife Cheats On Husband With Teenaged Peeping Tom
Joy Adams (Krissy Lynn) is tired of her husband's pathetic excuses for leaving her high and dry in the bedroom these days. He's been standoffish and increasingly jealous of the neighbor boy, Noah (Ricky Spanish), who's been checking Joy out by peeking through their windows. However, Joy feels her husband has no right to be jealous when he hasn't done anything to make her feel sexy and wanted in MONTHS.
After yet another fight with her husband, who storms out of the house, Joy decides she's had enough. Why waste time trying to get her husband's attention when there's a perfectly good, horny young man right outside her window?
Joy decides to have a little fun by stripping down and trying on sexy underwear and heels in front of a window, knowing that Noah's hiding nearby. She gives him a sensual show, then saunters to the window, calling out to him. He's seen HER naked... Now it's HER turn to see him! Why doesn't he come in and stay awhile?
When Noah finally gets the courage to climb through the window, Joy is more than ready for some fun. But what will happen when she learns that the sweet neighbor boy is much more serious about the affair than she is?
Story inspired by an original submission by Pure Taboo member, NightOwl61a!
Sexy Milf Krissy Lynn is so horny today and wants to get Italian Stud's Milk for deserving! She begins rubbing her nipples and making a sensual tease in front of you, wearing white lingerie and jewelry showing up her tight and athletic body, she touches her pussy and tempting the tattooed Italian guy to give away big dick in her mouth, she licks his balls after he eats her pussy and fingering till she begs to have his hard cock deep inside her cun, this couple eats each other sex in a classy 69 position, she taking dick and he eating pussy while grabbing her big rounded ass. The hardcore action goes from penetration to blowjobs and cowgirl position until she asks for his cum on her lap. This was a very hardcore sex action ending with a happy Milf covered in cum.
Savannah Sixx and her stepmom Krissy Lynn have to work out, but first Savannah takes a video call with her boyfriend Tyler Nixon. They talk about spicing up their sex life and Tyler suggests a three-way with Savannah's stepmom. Savannah denies him and he seems to accept that. They hang up so Savannah can join Krissy in their workout. Tyler arrives early and Savannah goes to let him in while Krissy continues her workout. Krissy tells Tyler to take a seat and wait for them to finish up.Krissy can't help but make eyes at Tyler while she guides Savannah through their workout. Savannah tries to get her stepmom to stop, but Krissy has decided she likes the look of Tyler and is more than perceptive enough to know that Tyler likes the look of her, too. Krissy's husband has been neglecting her lately, so she takes the opportunity to ask for Tyler's help stretching. That gives Krissy the chance to get handsy. When she supposedly accidently feels Tyler's erection, Krissy makes up an excuse to pull it out and start sucking it. Savannah is upset, but she eventually lets Krissy draw her in so they can both suck Tyler off.Now that they've already gotten into such a compromising situation, Savannah finally agrees to Tyler's and Krissy's desire for a threesome. She lets her stepmom have the first go on Tyler's dick, with him fucking her doggy style as Krissy eats Savannah out. Then Savannah rests in her mommy's arms as Krissy rubs Savanna's big boobs and Tyler delivers a pussy pounding. Eventually Krissy sifts her position so she is riding Savannah's face. When Krissy and Savannah switch spots, Savannah turns around to ride her mom's mouth in reverse cowgirl. Finally Tyler takes his place in the middle, with Savannah straddling his dick and Krissy's pussy on his mouth. When the girls are both sated, they deliver another double BJ to bring Tyler to the brink of cumming so Krissy can guide his cumshot all over her stepdaughter's face.
It's a tale as old the Knights of Templar. A horny housewife Krissy Lynn has had an affair with a young man and somehow he magically connects with her squirt spot. She is amazed. She has never cum like that in her 18 years of marriage. She needs it again. And again. The young student Alex Jett is understandably shocked. For one she is a married woman and her husband could kick his ass. Not to mention his mother would be mad as well. But Krissy the milf insists he shows up and fucks her again and again before her husband comes home from work. His big man boy cock soon digs more wonderful squirting orgasms from that wet milf pussy of Krissy's. She has found her inner squirt and she is reveling in the sensation of it. Over and over she blasts soaking her couch and the young mans rigid hard cock that is pounding her pussy into an orgasming dripping mess of vagina mass. Oh, sweet squirt. She begs him to spray her down with his man juice all over her surgically enhanced milf tits. He does so with relish knowing one day this sordid affair will be brought to light and somebody must pay the piper. But for now - Carpediem!!!
Krissy Lynn is very excited about her new boyfriend, Ryan Driller. She couldn't wait to introduce him to her step sister, Brandi Love. But once the day came, Brandi had a different idea on how to get to know him. She snuck to go answer the door, she pulled Ryan in and started sucking his cock right by the door without her step sister noticing what was happening. Eventually, she got even more carried away. Brandi threw him on the grown and made him eat her pussy. In the middle of eating her pussy, Krissy realized just what was happening. She jumped in and broke up the action. Krissy decided to teach Ryan a lesson. She shoved him on the sofa and had him eat her pussy. Eventually, Krissy got Brandi to join in and made her start sucking his cock. From there, these two beautiful ladies had their way with Krissy's boyfriend, fucking him in several different positions. Having their pussies stretched with every stroke and eventually drained his cock dry all over their faces.
Sarah Williams (Krissy Lynn) gets a phone call while she's on a date. Its her son and he's just been robbed of his bike by his tormenting bully. Sarah knows the bully's dad so she goes straight to him to settle it. The only problem is, her and the dad have a past relationship together, and her pussy never forgets a good big cock!
Krissy is a stone cold fox! She's also a horny housewife who likes tofornicate with strangers! She spends her days dreaming of cock! Bigjuicy cock. Luckily her dreams are about to come true. While readingby herself on the couch...a couple of 'salesmen' knock on her door totalk about the 'gospel'. Prince and Isiah are trying to spread 'theword'. She tells the 2 studs that she isn't very religious, but Ithink the guys are interested in talking about something a bit moresinful when they see her perfect tits busting out of her tight dress.Prince and Isiah persuade her to let them in. She is more than eagerto do just that. While Prince preaches, Krissy lets the guys know shelikes to fuck strangers! Doesn't take long for the guys to find theircocks in Krissy's sinful hands...and her slutty mouth. Before theyknow it, this horny housewife is taking each of their sin sticks inevery one of her holes. That tight pussy gets filled right up, makingher squeal with delight. She gobbles their shafts, cleaning her pussyjuice off, just in time to let them slide into her little whiteasshole. Each of the guys pump her ass making her cum wildly. Princeand Isiah can't hold it in any longer and drain their balls all overher juicy mammories. She thanks them and promises to see them inchurch on Sunday!
Krissy Lynn is horny for a big dick, but not just anyones. She's been hoping that one day she'll get to work with Sevyan Harden, and luckily for her, Bang Bros made it happen. She shows off her perfect tits, beautiful ass, and plays with herself before she gets on the floor with her eyes closed for a big surprise. When she opens her eyes, she's shocked by the huge black dick in her face, and even more shocked to find out it is in fact Sevyan Harden. After giving him the blowjob of his dreams, they fuck and she won't stop until she can get a huge load all over her tits.
Krissy Lynn and Tommy Pistol had a rocky relationship. Now that it's over, Krissy finds herself in trouble, so she goes to Tommy for help. But Tommy is fed up with her bullshit, and the lies she told to cover her cheating ways. But Krissy isn't about to leave empty handed. She tries to steal from Tommy, but he catches her, corners her, and punishes her by tying her up, flogging her, and pounding every greedy fuckhole she has, especially her tight, perfect asshole. Krissy Lynn has met her Wreckening. Tommy first demands that Krissy take her tits out so he can manhandle them. He then moves on to the true punishment. He belts her wrists together behind her back and face fucks her. Krissy gags and chokes on his cock, getting spit all over herself. Tommy adds nipple clamps to add more pain to the punishment. He spanks Krissy, flogs her, mocks her and humiliates her. She grunts and pouts but it's soon apparent that she's getting off on every bit of it. Tommy puts a ball gag in her mouth then fucks her perfect, wet cunt. She screams and grinds on it, loving it and hating it at the same time. Tommy can tell she's enjoying herself a little too much, so it's time to move on to fucking her sweet ass. He shoves an asshook in her hole and puts a vibrator on her pussy, driving her over the edge of pleasure and humiliation. He also fucks her pussy at the same time, before working his cock straight into her ass. Krissy is a screaming ball of orgasms at this point, spitting and frothing all over the ball gag. But Tommy doesn't stop. He puts her on her back, flogs her even more, and pounds her hungry asshole until he shoots his hot load all over her pussy. Krissy knows who her master is, now more than ever. The relationship is done, her conniving has backfired, and she lost.
Paranoid Wife Thinks New Babysitter Wants To Steal Her Husband
SCENE OPENS to Kathy (Krissy Lynn) and her husband, David (Ryan Driller), anxiously awaiting the new teen babysitter, Lynn (Chloe Temple). Kathy, who is prone to paranoia, is especially finding it difficult mentally preparing for a new babysitter. Yet, David soothes her like usual, assuring her that everything will be fine. If she can't trust David, the father of her children and love of her life, who CAN she trust?
When Lynn arrives, she SEEMS sweet enough... Maybe it's Kathy's mind playing tricks on her, but Lynn seems particularly drawn to David. It doesn't help that Kathy is SURE Lynn said, 'It's going to be so fun becoming you...' Of course, Lynn claims she said, 'It's going to be fun getting to know you...'
When Kathy and David arrive home from work each day, Kathy's anxiety intensifies. Lynn is TOO perfect... She's even starting to copy Kathy's style?? She's wearing the same shirts, has the same hair... Something's not right here.
Kathy is sure that David's cheating on her and that she'll get the boot soon enough. Even the KIDS love Lynn! When she confronts David about it, he actually sticks up for Lynn, reminding Kathy that she's overthinking it and that she always sees the worst in people. Kathy is devastated -- why can't he see the truth like she can? What kind of spell has Lynn put on him?
When she next comes home, only to find that David's arrived before her and is now alone with Lynn, she finally exposes what her instinct's been telling her all along...
In part two of this wildest of All Hallows Eve BDSM orgies, Avi Love has earned her way into some tight bondage with a huge, hard cock in her slutty teen ass. MILF whore Krissy Lynn isn't so lucky, having stirred the ire of Aiden Starr for neglecting her duties in training Avi. Avi handles that huge dick like a good girl, moaning in the tight shibari while watchingAiden degrade and flog Krissy's swollen pussy and red ass. Locked in a cuff bondage position, Krissy can only wriggle around, begging for forgiveness, as she's given just a little bit of dick. Her huge bouncy tits jiggle pleasingly as she struggles over to lick Avi's ass off of Rob's cock like a sex-starved slut. Tonight is historically significant as Iona Grace has come back for a service session with Stefanos. These two are old playmates from many years ago on the Upper Floor, and they waste no time marking up Iona's gorgeous curvy body and huge, milky titties with a hardcore spanking and flogging. Once her ass is a bright crimson and the crowd is cheering, Iona begs to serve the house once more with her orgasms. She waits for permission, then lets loose with a deluge of passionate sexual release that has the horny crowd of BDSM swingers howling and clapping. Two other babes come over to drop their tits in her mouth and join in on the fun. Another hot young lady in a leather strait jackets fucks and sucks her Master, while others enjoy partner swapping, rough sex, single tails, rope bondage, flogging, and light up canes like nothing we have seen before. The party really comes together when both Avi and Krissy are strapped down to a fuck table and prove that they are able to recite the House Rules in unison like good submissive sluts. Their reward is an all-out assault on both of their holes, care of Aiden's sadistic handy work and Rob Piper's big fat cock. Both women display excellent manners, lapping at whatever is put in their mouths, and thanking Rob for every stroke in their greedy assholes. The crowd can't get enough of their hot screaming orgasms and urge them on and on until both whores are spent and completely covered in a thick load of cum. Well done ladies!
Krissy Lynn is a porn Goddess!! This sexy XXX star has been sucking and fucking on camera for a long time and isn't done yet. In this newest episode of "Up Close And Personal" she shares whats next for her and what she is hoping for from her upcoming scene. Krissy radiates sexual energy and with her red lips and curvy body she makes it hard to look away. Watch her get her sweet, experienced pussy fucked with a wet, warm, sticky ending.
Avi Luv is a tight-bodied beauty, but does she have what it takes to get down and dirty at the BDSM swingers Halloween Ball? We brought in one of our finest busty MILF whores, Krissy Lynn, to train her in the ways of sexual service and submissive anal sex. Krissy is all smiles and promises, but the moment she gets a thick cock in her slutty ass and pussy she leaves Avi flailing with a set of silver trays and no guidance. The costumed kinky guests take time out of their play party to laugh at Avi attempting to hold it together and learn the house rules as she is made to keep the cock and pussy wet, hold an athletic position of service, and get zapped, spanked, and degraded. Avi gives us her best, but eventually has her sweet little teen face pressed into the sex scene and her wet pussy vibed as she is deemed unable to properly fetch drinks and answer basic questions about the nature of submission. The party takes off at full tilt with a local lifestyle lesbian couple getting deep into a bondage wax scene. This hot lesbian bottom is not to be bested and fights her way out of bondage to throw her top on her back, fisting her into a frenzy of orgasms. Davey begs her athletic lover to strap on a huge cock and fuck her until her eyes roll back in her head and the crowd cheers. She gives as good as she gets, flipping her partner and fisting her until she squirts all over the floor. Couples spank each others asses red, swap partners for hot raw sex, group scenes, rope suspensions, single tailing, and submissive BDSM play. At one point there are so many couples fucking we ran out of furniture to play on! The next scene Krissy is made to pay for her lack of leadership in training Avi with a clamp zipper and orgasm denial. Tied down to a sybian she is made to scream and sweat and hold herorgasms until Avi learns the house rules. The problem for her is that Avi is suspended for the first time ever in a difficult shibari tie and has a guest of honor balls deep in her tight teenage cunt. Avi is a good girl and tries her hardest to both fuck like a champion and absorb the rules so her hot MILF supervisor can cum like a slut. This is the kind of initiative Aiden Starr and Stefanos are looking for, so they allow her to ask hot houseguests for hints. The scene ends with Avi reciting the rules and both ladies cumming in unison like gorgeous fuck dolls much to the delight of the party. Join us for part two of this magical evening of BDSM play and sexual service in an upcoming update.
Kyle Mason and Krissy Lynn are supposed to go to work, but before they make it out the door they do a u-turn and head back inside. They can't keep their hands off of one another, especially as Kyle fills his hands with the delight of Krissy's ass. Krissy makes sure Kyle knows she's in charge, shoving him against the wall and then indicating that he needs to wait for her to slip into something sexier before they continue their lovemaking.Strutting into the bedroom, Krissy peels off her work clothes and changes into a lingerie getup with a bra and panties that can barely constrain her big assets. Kyle loves the sight of his buxom lover in her sexy getup, but he is much more interested in peeling her clothes off so he can wrap his hands around Krissy's big boobs and pinch her nipples to hardness. Grinding her ass against Kyle's hardon, Krissy uses body language to let her boyfriend know she's with him all the way as he slides his hand down the front of her panties.Dropping to her knees, Krissy pulls Kyle's hardon out of his pants and opens her mouth as she moves in to indulge her craving for cock. Slurping and sucking, she explores every inch of her boyfriend's stiffie with her mouth and hands before drawing back so Kyle can help her onto the counter. Tugging Krissy's panties aside, Kyle samples her musky juices. Then he peels her panties off and buries his face in her nicely trimmed twat for a real pussy feast.When Kyle gets to his feet and lifts Krissy's leg over his shoulder, he easily slides into her tight sheath. Going deep, he leans in to give Krissy a deep kiss before he lets her go. She lets herself fall backwards, resting her head on the countertop as Kyle continues to make magic with his dick.The couple gets to their feet to spice things up a bit. Krissy's jugs jiggle with every movement as Kyle slides his hands around her waist to hold her in place and help her balance as he reenters her greedy snatch. The position opens her up perfectly, but lacks the deep penetration Krissy craves until she leans against Eventually Krissy climbs onto a chair, where she kneels and leans forward. The new position makes it easy for Kyle to slam into her from behind, diving balls deep and giving her the hard thrusts she craves. They switch spots so Krissy can ride Kyle's fuck stick to her heart's content as he sits in the chair. Her jiggling jugs fly everywhere as she works herself towards the climax she's been craving all morning. Hopping off of Kyle's erection, Krissy gets back on her knees. Leaning forward, she wraps her soft pillows around him for a titty fuck. When she slips her hands between her breasts for extra friction, Kyle can't hold back another moment. He pops his load, covering Krissy's face in his hot liquid love.
Busty, experienced and dressed in red, Krissy Lynn is is loving life (and cock) as much as she ever has. Lay your eyes on her gorgeous curves and luscious lips as you enjoy a sexy strip tease, before she gets her wet, welcoming holes filled. Her bouncy, juicy yet firm ass is truly one in a million. But its more than her body, it's her passion and desire that really shines through. Watch her give it everything she has.
Krissy Lynn is sick an tired of her son Billy being bullied all the time at school so she will take matters into her own hands and confront the guy, but oh surprise Danny Mountain the brother of the bully opens up the door and makes Krissy Lynn's pussy so wet that she eventually comes to a deal that in return for making his brother stop picking on Krissy's little pussy son he gets to fuck her and keep coming for more.
Krissy Lynn has a Valentine's Day surprise for Van Wylde. She starts by slowly donning hot red lingerie that clings to her busty curves as she watches herself in the mirror. Then she waits in the kitchen with a trail of rose petals leading the way for Van to find her. He is thrilled with his lush gift, which he proves with deep kisses as his hands shape Krissy's breasts and relieve her of her bra.Leaning in, Van presses deep kisses to both knockers as he suckles each nipple to hardness. Then he continues down on his path south, settling between Krissy's thighs. He slides her thong to the side, takes a whiff of her musk, and then dives in. Van's pussy feast is long and languorous as he uses his talented tongue to explore every fold and crevasse. By the time he gets to his feet, Krissy is dripping wet and oh so ready to fuck.Pulling out his hardon, Van positions himself at the entrance to Krissy's twat. He follows through with a slow push that penetrates Krissy slowly but surely. When he is finally seated to the hilt, he pulls his hips back and thrusts them forward in a sweet and sensual rhythm that entices Krissy to drop her head back in true pleasure. Reaching up, Van gives Krissy's big tit a hard squeeze that leaves her moaning long and loud.Krissy loves the way Van fucks her, but she didn't set up this surprise just so she could enjoy his charms without returning the favor. She slithers off the stool and gets on her knees so that Van's hardon is at eye level. From there, it's easy to take him in hand and lean in for an enthusiastic BJ. Her sucking eventually transitions to a titty fuck as she takes Van's fuck stick between her big naturals.Now that they've both had an intermission from fucking, they kick off the second act. Krissy begins on her feet with one thigh resting against Van's stomach as he pounds her snatch. Then she turns around to get an even hotter coupling from behind. As Krissy lets Van know with one last groan of delight that she has enjoyed one last climax, she lets him pull out and then gets back on her knees. That position is perfect for Van to blow his load all over her chest, leaving them both sated and satisfied.
A proud father is looking forward to meeting his daughter Kimmy Granger's new boyfriend. He, along with his new wife and daughter Kimmy's new stepmom, Krissy Lynn, are looking forward to meeting this nice young man that they've heard so much about. But will this waspy, traditional family still feel that way when their daughter brings home a punk who has no table manners? Kimmy uses her boyfriend as a way to get back at her stuck up dad and stepmom, just to see the look on their faces. Only, curious Krissy gets turned on at the sight of the biggest cock she's ever seen! Looks like dinner's ruined because these horny ladies are already onto dessert--sucking and fucking one lucky guy!
Angela White enters the office with Abella Danger and Krissy Lynn following closely behind her. Both interview candidates are subtly trying to be the one closest to the boss without making it look too obvious, vying for Angela's attention.Angela tells them to take their seats. They both have shown so much promise during their interview process at Girlsway, and they are the final two candidates for consideration. They're the two that she's most impressed with, on paper, but now she needs to see how they can handle themselves with live calls before she decides which one of them to hire.Angela says that any minute now, calls will start coming in on the phone in front of them. She's going to be testing how easily distracted they are since this environment can be noisy and unpredictable sometimes...When the calls start coming in, Abella and Krissy do their best to serve the customers and get Angela's attention. Although Angela is impressed with their first runs, she lets them know she's going to amp things up. She really wants to know that they can keep working -- no matter what!Angela then hums to herself as she looks them both over, taking a moment to admire them as she licks her lips. As both Abella and Krissy continue taking their turns on the phone, Angela grins and starts feeling them up. First, she keeps it somewhat innocent by touching both of their shoulders, although it escalates. She's soon fondling their breasts and rubbing their pussies, but the eager candidates keep going with their calls -- they're determined to earn their place in the company!Finally, Angela insists that it seems the girls are just too horny to continue the calls. It looks like they'll all just have to have sex to get it out of their system! While Abella thinks it's weird to have sex to get the job, Krissy eagerly volunteers, which pleases Angela. Not to be outdone, Abella quickly gives in and lunges forward, capturing Angela's lips in a heated kiss. Krissy wrestles Angela back from Abella's hold to give her a hungry kiss of her own. As Abella and Krissy duke it out for the job, fighting over Angela, it isn't long before all three of them are caught up in the heat of the moment.Story inspired by an original submission by Girlsway member, Zibmaster!
Stirling Cooper strolls back into his sister-in-law's home like he owns the place after many years away. Caught by his brother for having a hot BDSM affair with his wife, Krissy Lynn, Stirling has been banned for years. Using the holidays as an excuse, Stirling gets back into Krissy's head and hot cunt, putting her submissive sexual desires to use on the living room floor. Krissy pleads for Stirling's thick cock in her mouth and cunt, but first she must have her gorgeous MILF ass reddened with a flogger, spanking, and paddle as she rubs her own pussy and ONLY cums with permission. Handcuffed and gagged, Krissy's huge tits swing with tight nipple clamps from the force of Stirling fucking her from behind. Moaning through her ball gag Krissy begs for more, and is rewarded with an anal fucking with Stirling's tie tight around her throat. Writhing with a hard cock in her pink ass Krissy starts working up for another huge orgasm when her brat step-daughter comes into the house unexpectedly.Panicked she's going to be caught playing her little whore games, Krissy handcuffs Stirling, who is eager to see his niece after all these years. Locked to the bannister, Stirling is furious, but he has no choice but to wait for Krissy to return and let him out. Unlucky for him, it is not Krissy, but his now grown niece that finds him locked up with a huge boner in the family den. Hot bodied little teen bitch Gia Derza is unsentimental, and quickly goes to work punishing her step-mother and uncle with a social media blackmail scheme. Whipping out her phone, Gia starts videotaping herself sucking her uncle's dick and calling her mother out as a whore. By the time Stirling breaks the railing to get out of his bind the damage is done and there is nothing left to do but punish Gia's ass. Throat fucking her pretty little face is only the start, and Gia is brought through her paces, having her young tits flogged hard, her sensitive little clit cropped, and her tight ass thoroughly fucked. She is undisciplined and can barely keep her hands out of the way so he ties her arms in a strict strappado and ride her hard until she is begging to cum with his dick deep in her ass. This isn't the end of the day, but just the beginning. Stirling decides to have a family reunion, tying Gia in a tight shibari partial suspension, covering her in her first zipper ever and clamping a heavy vibrator to her sensitive teen clit. Krissy comes home from caroling to find her big slutty secret laid bare and all she can do is give into her urges and submit to an evening of sexual BDSM games and punishing her little teen nightmare and getting her pussy filled with cock.
How can we describe Krissy Lynn's Caged scene?? Dark, sexy, real and passionate!!! Enjoy an incredible POV experience with this busty, milf, slut. Control her and use her holes for your ultimate satisfaction. Watch her round, shapely ass bounce and her big, busty tits shake. Krissy knows exactly what it takes to serve and please a man.
Fuck Team Five is back and this week, Krissy Lynn, Rose Monroe, and Valentina Jewels crash random pool party. The unexacting party goers got a treat. The trio first showed their goods then started pulling people from the crowd to fuck. One lucky chick and her boyfriend were the lucky ones picked to get fucked. They got a fucking that they'll not ever forget. It's not everyday that you got to a party and you get to fuck three pornstars of this caliber.
When it comes to glamzo BBC, we have got you covered. Krissy Lynn will be doing the cock sucking, however. Which we tend to like. This girl has it all. A rock hard body, perfect tits, a perfect ass, and all of the right curves. Oh, and did we mention that she can suck and fuck big black cock like its her job.....oh is. This slut has been around long enough to call her an industry veteran. She has also been sucking cocks and riding them long enough for us to call her a veteran. Watch her take this monster cock in this new Spizoo release.
Curvy pop star Ivy LeBelle has fallen for scam artist Ramon's new-age spirituality and dominant cock. She refuses to do interviews and publicity events, and instead stays home to do yoga and submit to Ramon's sadistic games. Her uptight step sister and manager, Krissy Lynn, worries that her bratty little sister Ivy will throw away her career. Fed up, Krissy yells at her for falling for Ramon's manipulations. Ramon, realizing that Krissy is on to him, decides to bring both sisters under his control. First, he disciplines busty Ivy, putting her in tight bondage and flogging her huge tits while making her agree to treat her sister nicely. He hits her with a zapper over and over again as she gags on his huge cock, then fastens tight clamps on her pussy and compels her to pull them off herself. Finally he gives anal slut Ivy what she really wants and fucks her hungry pussy and ass, moving indiscriminately between both her holes until she cums over and over again on his thick cock.Ramon leaves Ivy tied to the table and goes off in search of Krissy, who he finds getting ready to take a bath. At first she confronts him, telling him to get out of their house, but she soon breaks down crying, confessing that she is exhausted from running her ungrateful sister's life. Ramon suggests that she might feel better if she does something for herself for once. She agrees and Ramon soon has her handcuffed and blindfolded with her big creamy tits exposed. Ramon lets the repressed good girl Krissy take his cock deep down her throat while beating her tight pussy with a crop until she erupts in fountains of squirt. He bends her over his knee and brutally spanks and flogs her until her round ass is bright red. But just when he has finally given Krissy what she wants and filled her pussy with his big cock, Ivy bursts in, having freed herself from her bondage. Even though she is outraged to find Ramon fucking her sister, she submits to him as he holds her mouth against her sister's clit and commands her to lick. Humiliated, Ivy licks her sister's pussy and touches herself, all while he pounds Krissy doggy style until she cums all over her slutty sister's face.Having brought both sisters under his control, Ramon ties Ivy to the bed and makes her watch as he turns uptight Krissy into as slutty anal whore. He fucks Krissy's tight ass while she is bound in a straightjacket, then makes Ivy suck his cock fresh out of her sister's ass. He plays sadistic games with the sisters; punishing one with the zapper when the other cums, turning them against each other as they submit to orgasm after orgasm. After another hard flogging and spanking the sisters are finally ready to share nicely. Putting their swollen pink asses in the air they give Ramon a sloppy double blow job, then let him take turns riding their assholes until he is ready to cover their eager faces with cum.
When hard ass parole officer Krissy Lynn informs Mr Pete his parole is revoked and detention is in his future Mr Pete turns the table and takes matters into his own hands. He doesn't just take matters into his own hands he takes Krissy's ass tits and pussy too! Before taking a bath Krissy is admiring her hot body in the mirror when Pete sneaks in and drags her away in handcuffs and chains. Bent over in a chair with ass up high Mr Pete plunges his cock into Krissy's ass for some hardcore anal. She warns him he is making a big mistake but that doesn't stop him from driving his huge hard cock deep into her ass as she quivers and moans. Then with Krissy on her knees, wrists tied to ankles and nipple clamps tight on her tits Mr Pete stuffs his dick down Krissy's throat for a wet and sloppy throat fuckin'. Her big tits bounce around as he flogs her and she can't get enough. On her back in tight bondage Krissy's legs are spread wide for easy access to her slutty pussy and ass. She may be a hard ass but she loves a hard cock in her ass too! First Mr Pete pounds her pussy and slaps her clit making Krissy scream in pleasure. His thick cock stretches her ass while he fingers her wet pussy and she comes hard. Finally on top of Pete in cowgirl position Krissy slides up and down on Petes dick grinding and pounding her pussy with his rod. Her big perfect tits bounce around as she fucks and gets her pussy off until Pete blows his load all over her tits. Nobody will be going to detention today!
Krissy Lynn has been absolutely killing it driving for Boober. It's the perfect job for a girl like her - big tits, slutty and willing to work hard. In today's world good jobs are hard to come by and this one is absolutely great. This afternoon she gets to pick up a Cyrus King hot guy and drive him to his destination. But first she gets to show off her bubbly attitude and big perky enhanced silicone bombs. It's a win win for everyone. This guy, like all guys, is going nuts over those big titties shaking in the car and by the time they get to where he is going his cock is standing at rigid attention. All part of the service as Krissy pulls it out and continues the patented Boober service of keeping the customer happy. This is incredible. He takes her into his house to titty fuck and pounds the happiness and cream out of that sweaty sweet pussy of hers. Exploding from a manic titty fuck on those gargantuan ta ta's the ride ends in ecstasy.
What are good neighbors for? If not to support you through relationship problems? In this Krissy Lynn POV, she is looking for your support, and like a good neighbor, you are giving it to her. Your wife might be coming home any moment, but that makes it all the more exciting. Krissy Lynn the fuck slut she is, won't take no for answer, especially not when she rubs on your cock through your pants. She is a slutty neighbor and wants your hard cock inside of her, however she can! She gets down on her knees and starts sucking your hard cock. She takes it all in her mouth and still wants more.Taking it upstairs, all she can think about is your dick fucking her like a whore. Maybe it is just revenge for her partner cheating, but you don't care as your dick is going in and out of her wet pussy. Krissy Lynn has never had a dick up her ass before, and she wants you to be her first. She wants you to start slow but soon you are giving her the assfucking of a lifetime, exactly the way she wants and needs. It makes her so horny to be on her knees while you fuck her hard from behind. You bust all over that hot pussy and this naked whore is laying in front of you! You need to send her packing, It is time you send this dirty slut back to her house with your cum all over her pussy.
Krissy Lynn is horny at home. As her boyfriend comes down the staircase on his way to work, she stops him, takes his pants down, and starts sucking his cock. Afraid of being late to work, he tells her to stop and puts his dick away. He apologizes and suggests for her to masturbate. When she's finally alone, Krissy grabs her laptop, gets on the internet and searches for four hung studs to come to her house to fuck her while she's tied up in rope bondage. Later on, four guys walk in and find Krissy on her knees with her arms and legs tied to the railing, and with a clothespin attached to each nipple. They whip out their hard cocks and close in on her mouth and with a smile on her face she pleases all of their cocks. They fuck her face sending slobber dripping down onto her big perfect tits. Her boyfriend comes home unexpectedly to find her getting face-fucked by four random guys and doesn't get upset but instead joins in. Next, they get her up to her feet and tie her up in a different position with her standing bent over with her arms behind her back and a rope around her neck. They take turns pounding her pussy from behind while the other guys fill her mouth with cock. Krissy then begs for her ass to be fucked and so they switch holes and fuck her asshole deep and hard. After that, they move Krissy to a white leather couch to fill up all of her holes. In cowgirl, she slides a cock into her pussy while they all line up and fuck her ass and mouth. She can't believe how good it feels and cums hard while being fucked air tight. They flip her over into reverse cowgirl and double-stuff her again with her legs spread. With five dicks pounding her holes, the insatiable Krissy Lynn begs for more. They all stick their fingers in her pussy and rip out several orgasms and she squirts all over herself just before they all squirt their loads onto her big perky tits.
Krissy Lynn is an industry veteran, and a veteran at sucking cock. Watch this slut suck your cock in this sloppy, hardcore POV BJ action. She knows to pay attention to the balls, the shaft, and take it all the way into her whore throat. She will leave your balls empty, and you are sure to want more.
Fuck Team Five is back bitches!!! We threw together a 'porno casting' and when everyone with dreams of being a pornstar showed up, we surprised them with three of the hottest chicks in the business. Rose Monroe , Krissy Lynn and valentina Jewels. These three beauties had these wanna be studs with their jaws on the ground. They quickly started sorting through the crowd and picking the dudes that they like. After they made these dudes eat their pussies, they went to town on their cocks, chocking and sucking until their pussy was wet and ready for some cock. These three beauties all got the cock they desperately desired, while at the same time making some random guys dreams come true.
Lexi Lore was lucky to be having her room renovated by her caring parents. The only downside was that she would have to sleep in her mom and stepdads bed for a few nights. She was ready to tough it out! Her stepdad could not stop staring at her tight ass when she snuggled up into the sheets. One night she caught him looking at her tits. He told her to be quiet and relax. He began to suck on her nipples and rub on her cunt. They had to be very quiet. They were able to get from cocksucking all the way to pussy penetration without even a chance of mom getting woken up. Stepdad came all over Lexis pussy and told her to go to sleep. It was the best sleep she ever did have!
Busty MILF Krissy Lynn loves to tease, taking her time removing her lacy black and red lingerie. She slowly runs her hands along her silky skin, squeezing her huge tits together, bending over and shaking her juicy ass. Taking off her bra, she pinches her little nipples, dirty talking, telling you all the naughty things she wants you to do to her. She spreads her ass, showing you her delicious holes, teasing her pussy with her fingers. Laying back on the floor, she rubs her big clit, telling you how badly she wants you to suck it. She reaches behind her and grabs a pink dildo, spitting all over it to fuck her titties, wishing it was your cock. Taking it deep into her throat, she get that cock good and wet before sliding it into her tight hole, fucking herself nice and slow. She climbs on top to ride it, her tits bouncing, before she takes it out to taste her sweet juices. She lays back and fucks herself hard, rubbing her clit and slapping her asshole, until she cums onto that dick, bucking her hips and moaning with pleasure.
Nathan Bronson has a smoking hot, busty girlfriend in Krissy Lynn, but she's not exactly experienced. Showing off a sheer, black dress, she gets him so turned on, but she's afraid she won't know how to please him. He decides to show her some porn, hoping to boost her confidence, unaware that her stepsister, curvy redhead Savana Styles, has overheard everything. The porn does the trick, and after a little making out, she gets on her knees to suck his cock. Luckily for Nathan, she's a very quick learner, working her tongue all over his hard dick, sucking him eagerly. Savana gets so turned on, she heads upstairs for a better view, rubbing her pussy as she watches. When Nathan catches her spying, at first they are nervous that she will be angry, but Savana is just excited that her little stepsister isn't a prude! So excited in fact, and impressed with how quickly Krissy learns, that she wants to teach her a few things. She takes off her top and the two women share his cock, sucking his head and licking his balls as he grabs their huge tits. Krissy tastes Savana's pussy as she sucks Nathans' dick, switching places before the big moment...Krissy straddles Nathan, and slides his cock inside her for the first time. She's a natural and loves it, bouncing her bubble butt hard as she rides him to orgasm, Savana playing with herself as she watches. Krissy licks her cum from Nathan's cock, before encouraging Savana to climb on top for reverse cowgirl. The ladies then take turns 69ing, sitting on his face and taking his cock as deep as they can into their throats. Krissy takes him balls deep, gagging on his dick, making her pussy even wetter. Nathan then stacks the girls, Krissy on top of Savana, so he can go back and forth between their slutty pussies. After making Savana cum again, he bends Krissy over for doggie, pounding her hard from behind as she licks Savanas clit. They get on their knees for him, and he blows his hot load all over their tits.
Fiesty MILF Krissy Lynn is sugar and spice and everything naughty in a black lace bra, satin booty shorts and sporty, knee high socks. Extra horny and dying for your cock, she takes off her bra, her big tits spilling out into your hands. She bends over on the couch, hoping for some spanks on her juicy ass, which you happily provide. Feeling your warm, hard cock rubbing against her, she begs to touch it, sliding her hand up from the bottom of your shorts. Pulling down your shorts, she takes you into her wet mouth, moaning contentedly as she sucks on your fat head. Making your cock glisten with her spit, she works the shaft with her hand as she licks your balls, looking up at you like a good little slut. She sits back on the couch to take off her shorts, and you come over, rubbing and smacking your cock against her pussy through her panties. Pulling them aside, you slowly slide into her bushy cunt, giving her a few strokes before pulling out, having her taste her juices on you. She sucks you hard, taking your cock deep, gagging as you fuck the back of her throat. Slobbering all over your dick, spit drips down her chin, neck and boobs, lubing them up for a tittie fuck. After working your hard cock some more with her mouth and both hands, you decide she's been such a good whore, she should get some more of you inside her. You bend her over on the couch, fucking her from behind until you blow your hot load all over her tits.
When there is a personal sex tape involved....Krissy Lynn is all smiles. When Krissy comes to the Spizoo network for the first time, she makes BIG things happen (or maybe she just makes things BIG...). Speaking of big....check out these big tits bouncing on top of this big fat cock. She cannot get enough, until you cum all over her. I think she will be watching this personal film for a long time to cum!!!
OMG, you got laid off! Poor guy. Some people think they're making the economy better, but you're living proof that things aren't right. And telling your wife Krissy Lynn isn't going to make it any better. But she is your wife, and she's understanding. So when you break the news to her, it's not as bad as you anticipated. In fact, she offers to make you your favorite dish. But then she gets another idea and offers to become your dish, starting off by giving you a blowjob outside! You tell your wife you got canned and she blows you…is this real life? And then she pulls your big cock inside, sticks her big tits and big ass in your face, fucks your brains out and then tells you she's going to make your favorite dish. Maybe you should get laid off more often???
Krissy Lynn knows something's up with her employee JMac because she saw a few social media posts of his griping about his job. She calls him in to confront him about it, and he just tells her he's really stressed out over things and was just blowing off steam. Krissy doesn't want to lose him as an employee, so she tells him she's working on getting yoga classes at the office, not to mention mediation and healthy snacks and smoothies there. But the best thing she can offer – and does – is sex! JMac can't believe, especially him being a married man and Krissy being his boss. But, you gotta do what the boss says…even if it means fucking her on the desk at the office!
Krissy Lynn is enjoying a lovely barbecue with her stepson and his girlfriend Avery Stone. Krissy couldn't help but feel that the only thing hotter than the grill was Avery. She needs to get her alone, so she volunteers the girls to go and get more drinks, which turned into a pussy eating extravaganza in the hallway. Good thing they finished up right before stepson came wandering because he was thirsty. Now that drinks were refilled and stepson was hydrated, he had to rush to the restroom to relieve himself. Krissy was still super horny and decided to follow him for some more sexual healing. Sure enough her stepson couldn't resist and fucked her dirty style right there on the toilet. A few days later stepson comes home to see Avery and his stepmom chattering over a picture that went viral. They ask stepson to take a few more of them hoping to gain a bit more internet fame. Stepson proceeds to take pictures of his stepmom and girlfriend getting provocative with each other. This leads to the girls sharing his cock in their mouths then taking turns riding his long stiff dick. Stepson ends it by cumming all over his girlfriends pussy and watching it drip down onto his stepmoms face.
Busty MILFs Krissy Lynn and Dana DeArmond were all set for an intense workout at their Aqua Aerobics class in their sexy bathing suits, but their instructor, Markus Dupree, turned out to be a dirty lecher. Markus was more interested in grabbing their tits, squeezing their asses, and making them pose with each other for his amusement and passing it off as exercise. After Markus' cock pops out of his trunks, these ladies decide they've had enough: they pull their instructor out of the pool, lay him down, and make him their man-slut. The girls take turns swallowing his dicks and demanding he fuck their hot wet pussies while the other students can't help watching. Markus fucks Dana until she squirts and makes her taste herself, then makes her jealous by giving Krissy the doggystyle she desires. Eventually, Markus can't take being dominated any longer and he gives Dana a facial that drizzles onto Krissy for a nice creampie. Who else wants in on this wet and wild fun?
The apple never falls far from the tree, and third-generation pornographer extraordinaire Rikki Braun is living proof of it! In his latest directorial effort he crafts a superlative ode to large breasts, headlined by superstars Keisha Grey and Bridgette B. and featuring some of the best tits on the planet!
Krissy is a nympho and she tries to do everything she can think of to get Filthy turnedon. But he's too tired from work. That is, until he finds out she's been fucking the newneighbor, Brian. Spurred out of his blahness by jealousy, he gives his wife exactlywhat she wants. Meanwhile, his stepdaughters come by to spy when they hear theirmom's screams of ecstasy. Neither has ever have seen their mom or their stepdadfuck like that.
While Donnie Dakota is playing video games Krissy Lynn takes the opportunity to seduce the young stud by showing him how a real woman takes care of him. She sucks on his big cock and lets him get deep inside her thirsty pussy! They better keep quite before anyone finds out what they're really doing before closed doors!
Krissy Lynn has had it with her daughter Cadey Mercury and stepson Justin Hunt bickering. She orders them to share Justin's room for the night, but Cadey isn't planning on making it easy for Justin. She gives him a peek at her tight little body, but lets him know that she's a princess who deserves better than he can offer. When her peep show gives Justin a stiffie, she decides to sleep in the nude to taunt him as she crawls into bed. Crawling under the covers, she wraps her sassy lips around his stiffie and starts sucking until he's on the verge of cumming. Only then does she back off and leave Justin to his blue balls.Later that night, Justin wakes up to find Cadey spooning with him. Since they're both naked, it's easy for him to run his hands over her small bottom and then slide his hardon into her from behind. She's startled at first, but her stepbrother's cock feels so good she doesn't want to tell him no. Soon Cadey's moans of absolute ecstasy are filling the room as Justin pounds that landing strip fuck hole.After a brief moment where they're almost caught by Cadey's mom, the two double down on their pleasure as Cadey gets on her hands and knees for a doggy style pussy pounding. Transitioning to a stiffie ride, Cadey straddles Justin's lap until he is buried balls deep inside her and then bumps and grinds in a rhythm that leaves them both close to the edge. Justin keeps it together long enough to play stud to Cadey as she cums, and then pulls out to give her a cumshot to the face.The next morning, Justin expresses that he's sorry for going hard on Cadey and asks her not to tell. In order to assure her silence, he slides down between her thighs and takes a sip of her pussy juices. Liking what he finds, he works his tongue and then his fingers to bring her to another moaning climax that leaves her satisfied and happy to stay silent.
Horny Krissy Lynn has always wanted to fuck Jay even after hearing all his sex stories. After hearing Jay's naughty story, Krissy gets all wet and wants his thick hard cock in her tight pussy. She rides his hard cock, taking every inch deep inside her tight hole. She even titty fucks him between her massive jugs. After getting her pussy pounded, Jay sprays his big load all over her stomach.
Fan favorite Krissy Lynn is back to swallow a big black cock after a whole year off. The beautiful busty Krissy is making a strong comeback with this hot deepthroat action. Like riding a bike, the deepthroating skill is one that never goes away. Getting her pretty face fucked by Isiah is definitely one of her favorite activity in the world. Watch her give the best sloppy blowjob you've seen in a while.
Krissy Lynn can't get laid by her own damn boyfriend, and it's royally pissing her off! When he's not home, she even goes so far to tell her boyfriend's buddy and their new roommate Chad about it. Two months with hardly any fucking and she's still buying sexy lingerie to try to get her man's motor going, Krissy decides to entertain herself by trying on her new wares in front of the mirror…but she doesn't know Chad's watching! But when she catches him snapping pics of her in her bra and thong, she confronts him and tells him she likes it! Good thing bubble butt Krissy's boyfriend isn't home, because she's gonna get all the dick — and big dick that is! — she wants from his friend!
Jesse is the quintessential bad boy. His band is the next big thing in Los Angeles and he is on a fast track to stardom. He spends his nights playing sold out shows and in the arms of his many eager fans. He knows he should be thrilled but he can't help but feel something is missing. Then Caitlyn walks into his life. The attraction is instant. And mutual. The problem is that she is his best friend's girlfriend. Things get even more intense when they find themselves roommates. Will Jesse and Caitlyn succumb to their desire or will they have the strength to walk away from each other…
You've suspected your wife's been cheating on you for a long time, but you just need to catch her, red-handed. Or, in this case, hands all over her, and today you're about to witness what you've suspected all along as it goes down. Starts with the black dude leaving your house. A stranger to you for sure...but there to fix the modem? So you sneak up to the window, and sure enough...two more black dudes just got there, and it's going down in your kitchen. In the sitting room. In the family room. In your house! Not some cheap motel...the house you pay the mortgage on! Add to this the fact you're conflicted! You do nothing to stop it. In fact, you watch. You watch as men with much larger penises violate your wife in ways she'd never allow you to do...and you're ok with it. You're even ok with the lies when you do confront her, as well as the denial. Let's face it. you're a cuckold.
Let's face it -- your wife is probably cheating on you. Just like you're probably cheating on her. Years of monogamy can lead to boredom, and when you're bored, you tend to do crazy things. Enter Krissy Lynn. She's a MILF alright, married for years and bored to tears. How bored? She loves to behave in "naughty" ways, and she found an adult bookshop that lets her get away will all sorts of deviant behaviors. She likes to visit the store not wearing a bra or panties, and she loves the looks she gets from all the horny customers who are there to rent their jack off materials. Krissy knows there's a video booth in the back of the store, and she knows there's holes drilled into the walls of that video booth...and she knows exactly what to expect when she walks in to watch another porn DVD. This time she offers up her ass one random, lucky dude!
Abella Danger and Nicole Ferrera are patiently awaiting Krissy Lynn's tongue, fingers and toys. Krissy Lynn makes these girls suck the juices off anything that has just been inside an ass. Abella and Nicole duel for the affection of their Dominatrix. Abella wants to Gape for Krissy and Nicole wants to take the biggest toys she can for Krissy.
Busty blonde Layla Price sits in a giant, clear bowl surrounded by her slutty friends Savannah Fox, Brianna Brown, Edyn Blair, Sheena Ryder, Hope Harper, Krissy Lynn and Kayla West. This gang of messy, lingerie-clad lesbians deep-throats dildos, drooling quarts of gooey spit onto Layla's naked body and into her open mouth. After she's thoroughly covered in sloppy phlegm, stud Sean Michaels brings in his huge black dick for a filthy, spit-soaked, interracial anal threesome with Layla and Savannah!
Storyline BDSM Movie with rough sex and anal.
Pete walks over to Krissy's because he can't get into his house and his wife isn't home. Being the good neighbor that she is Krissy invites Pete into her home to wait for his wife's return. While catching up on what's been happening in their lives, Krissy lets Pete in on secret that his wife told her during their barbeque they had some time ago. Pete's wife isn't interested in sex as much as she use to be which explains all of his wife's actions. Krissy uses this opportunity to offer to fulfill all of his desires with her wet pussy and warm mouth.
Anal fisting, strap-on, and double stuffing with two dommes.
Krissy Lynn's ass is now property of the black man. We find Rico and Krissy hand-in-hand as they discuss the latest "white people shit" she's been doing. Krissy leads Rico back to her place where her return to fucking on camera sees her getting the complete Dogfart treatment. Rico starts by rubbing those milky white thighs and ass of the chick. And it's not too long before her mouth finds its target: Rico's big black cock. The busty slut sucks down as much of that massive black cock as her throat's width will allow. Krissy's white cunt is next on Rico's hit list. That black snake brings her pussy to the point where he nearly breaks it apart. Rico's attack then focuses south a bit more, as he glides that meaty monster deep between those sweet cheeks. Krissy's EXIT ONLY is now entrance only for the black man. Rico's constant slamming of that white ass brings him to where he can't stop himself from unloading on her face.
Michelle Firestone has the dom talk and the cock to back it up! She's the complete package - hot, commanding, seductive and hung. In this sci-fi update, Michelle creates the perfect robot Krissy Lynn, and takes her time testing out her new subject. The kissing, the fucking, the fingering and the cumming - Krissy passes all the tests. The blow jobs in this movie are particularly hot as both girls love to give and get! Michelle will definitely be back to TsPussyHunters!
Sexy anal punishment with an all girl cast.
Steamy anal sex with huge dildos, dick on a stick, butt plugs and fisting.
In a POV intro, blonde knockout Krissy Lynn teases you in spike-heeled boots and stunning chaps that expose her meaty butt. Upon catching a wimp sniffing her panties, she wrestles him to the floor and takes his money. Krissy yanks his hair, making him crawl to the toilet. She stuffs panties in his mouth and requires an anal tongue-fuck. Choking and face spitting compels abject worship of her hot ass. The fiercely dominant bitch pulls a partially eaten donut from the trash, smashes it in her toes and makes him eat the mess from her foot!
Krissy Lynn is one white girl with a hell of a booty. She's perfect for today's PAWG update. A Pretty Ass White Girl with a big ass. You damn right! Mike wanted to have fun with this update. Being that Krissy Lynn's ass looks delicious. He wanted to see what it would look like covered in ice-cream. All that did was make it look even better and very tasty. After all that foreplay Krissy Lynn got fucked in her tight pussy and in the ass. Jessy Jones really put it on her. Pounding both the pussy and the ass.
In a POV intro, shorthaired, muscular Krissy Lynn threatens you for 'perving out' (watching her work out) and teases, sticking her sweaty ass in the camera. The loudmouthed spitfire takes over the gym, aggressively attacking D Snoop on the exercise machine, sitting on his face, choking him out, mercilessly taunting and making him eat her stinky feet. She blows his black dick and uses his face like a towel on her butt. Krissy fucks him dominantly on the exercise machine and a yoga ball. After a long, sweaty workout he cums in the crazy bitch's cleavage.
Bonnie Rotten's bikini babe lesbian anal sex fetish with Krissy Lynn.
Krissy is throwing a party for Saint Patrick's day and she had both Ryan's pick up some decorations. While Mr. Driller goes to grab his balloons from the car she makes a move on Mclane. Not to be one-upped by his buddy, Mclane goes out to grab his own. As he comes back he catches Krissy making out with the other Ryan. She explains that she's just a little slut and things don't have to get awkward. She has them drop their pants and she goes in to double fist their cocks, blowing one and then the other until she's ready to take them in both her holes at the same time! After she's had her fill of their cocks she drops down to take both of their loads loads on her face but, only one at a time because it's quite dangerous to cross the streams
Anal lesbian busty girls and hot mistress.
Exotic fox Aleksa Nicole and spunky blonde Amy Brooke are dying to give head. Fortunately, horny performer is ready with his big cock! The girls tease him by rimming each other's puckered butthole. Then they work their hungry lips over his hard shaft and dangling balls while he shoots POV-style. Deep-throating man's pole, these messy sluts slobber, gag and tongue the anus. He fucks their pretty faces as Amy and Aleksa swap gobs of gooey spit. After he spurts his load into Amy's mouth, the girls snowball his creamy cum. That's teamwork!
Athletic, busty bombshell Krissy Lynn works out, toning her huge, meaty ass in her personal gym. She cools down, peeling off her tight spandex under a waterfall, then joins director Manuel Ferrara to worship his enormous, uncut cock and balls in a loving POV-style blow job. Krissy squeezes his shaft with her big, firm titties and sits her plump buttocks on his thick member, sliding his prick up her hungry asshole. Manuel chokes her as he ferociously reams her rectum and finally showers this insatiable slut with a hot load of cum.
Sexy Maid Assed fucked and punished by hot Mistress
Two gorgeous submissive sluts in big cock threesome
New anal girl Angel Allwood takes giant strap-on cock up her ass!
Big Ass Krissy Lynn anal fucked while giving porno lessons to newbie slut Mona Wales
Bill's wife is out of town and when the wife's away the hubby will play. He orders himself up a girl from this site a buddy of his told him about. He specifically asked for one with a big o booty and nice tits. When his wife's friend, Krissy, shows up unexpectedly he has to hurry her out before the girl he ordered comes knocking. As it turns out, Krissy is the girl with the big booty and nice tits that Bill ordered. Krissy promises not to tell Bill's wife about the business they're about to transact because Krissy has always had a thing for Bill. Well Bill definitely has a thing for her too, a big thing she can fit in her wet pussy.
Busty Krissy Lynn is out sunbathing by her friend's pool when her friend's boyfriend, Jordan, drops by. He invites her into the house and helps her out with the small sun burn she has on her chest. He rubs lotion all over her chest and Krissy gladly takes off her top to make sure he doesn't miss a spot. Since Jordan's girlfriend won't be back for a while he decides to spray some of his special lotion on Krissy after she squeezes it out of his cock!
Dark-haired Sophie Dee and blonde bombshell Krissy Lynn are huge-titted lesbians that love worshiping one another's massive mammaries and juicy pussy. Legendary stud Lexington Steele brings his enormous, black cock to the party, making it a nasty interracial three-way! Krissy and Sophie oil up each other's chest, smash their giant globes together and slide Lex's throbbing fuck pole among the glistening jugs. They take turns sucking his huge shaft and riding him to orgasm. Krissy receives a thorough anal pounding. Finally, Lexington sprays the horny ladies' hooters with a mess of hot cum.
Krissy Lynn is desperate for money. She's so desperate that she takes her boss's petty cash and tries to sneak it out in her pussy. All is according to plan until her boss see's cash coming out of Krissy's panties. He takes his money back and is ready to fire Krissy, but Krissy is willing to do anything to keep her job. Her boss puts her mouth to work and replaces the cash in her pussy with his huge cock.
Big Asses fucked, fisted, licked and enema!
Forbidden sex on an outdoor bondage adventure!
Are Krissy Lynn's tits Cs or Ds? Her boyfriend's son Daniel has a bet with his buddy that they're Cs, but he needs proof. He goes into her room, stuffs one of her bras down her pants and BAM!, his dad's busty girlfriend is asking him what the fuck he's up to. After a few stammers and stutters, Daniel finally admits to the bet, only to discover that Krissy's insulted by the fact that he thinks she has C-cup tits! She's so pissed over it that she uses it to take out her frustation on his dad, and sticks Daniel's big dick between her tits, in her mouth and up her pussy!
Krissy Lynn is so grateful for Johnny and his wife letting her stay at their house, especially after she got booted from her last place. When Johnny asks her why she was asked to leave, the big-breasted blonde tells him that none of her roommates' wives ever liked her, especially since she doesn't like to wear bras and is extremely flirtatious. Johnny tells her he has no problem with her being a free spirit in his house ... as a matter of fact, he tells her, she can be as free as she wishes, like she is when she drops to her knees and sucks his dick!
Big Booty Interracial Orgy Party. Four big assed blondes, four big black dicks, the permutations approach infinity. Anikka Albrite, the ass that launched a thousand pops. Maya Hills, Ukraine's secret weapon to corrupt the west. Lea Lexis, limber to the max and Krissy Lynn, big boobed blonde who can whore with the best of them. This interracial orgy has anal, ass to mouth, cocksucking, cunt licking, ass eating and more. From ORGY MASTERS 4 this epic group sex extravaganza is lacking one thing, brunettes. Oh well, blondes have more fun. Right?
The most EXTREME lesbian anal footing ever!!
Sexy French babe gets first time anal fisting!
In a POV intro, blonde knock-out Krissy Lynn teases you in spike-heeled boots and stunning chaps that expose her meaty butt. Upon catching a wimp sniffing her panties, she wrestles him to the floor and takes his money. Krissy yanks his hair, making him crawl to the toilet. She stuffs panties in his mouth and requires an anal tongue-fuck. Choking and face-spitting compels abject worship of her hot ass. The fiercely dominant bitch pulls a partially eaten donut from the trash, smashes it in her toes and makes him eat the mess from her foot!
Bubbly blondes Krissy Lynn and Mariah Madysinn, resplendent in football jerseys, oil up their perfect buns and big, round boobies. Director Mike Adriano kneels behind these busty bitches, burying his face in sweet ass. In a tag-team blow job, one slut sucks the director's dick while the other gets her butthole rimmed. Mike rudely butt-fucks Mariah while Krissy watches intently, slowly pumping four fingers in and out of her own rectum. Between butt poundings, the nasty ladies taste Mike's ass-flavored prick. Eventually he splatters hot jism onto Krissy's magnificent rear; Mariah laps it up and the perky cuties kiss goodbye.
Submissive girls get heavy anal play from Mistress.
Krissy Lynn Anal Mandingo Probes Her Ass. How about a big breasted blonde taking on a massive black cock? Krissy Lynn is the blonde with the big tits and Mandingo is the massive black cock. Fourteen inches seems excessive to me but Krissy takes that huge salami up her cute round ass and seems ready for more. From MANDINGO MASSACRE 6 here's an interracial coupling guaranteed to make your banana stand.
Dressed in sheer stockings, heels and a shiny PVC coat, super-stacked MILF Eva Karera teases the camera, revealing her lacy red underwear and squeezing her huge globes and rubbery nipples. Big-dicked studs Alec Knight and Jerry join this hard-bodied beauty; Eva drops to her knees and hungrily swallows their stiff erections. The boys fuck the brunette babe from either end as Eva eagerly straddles one dick while sucking the other. Soon she's taking an intense butt-fuck and spreading wide to get both holes stuffed. Eventually, Eva's pretty face and giant boobs get showered in hot sperm.
Bubbly blondes Krissy Lynn and Mariah Madysinn, resplendent in football jerseys, oil up their perfect buns and big, round boobies. Director Mike Adriano kneels behind these busty bitches, burying his face in sweet ass. In a tag-team blow job, one slut sucks the director's dick while the other gets her butthole rimmed. Mike rudely butt-fucks Mariah while Krissy watches intently, slowly pumping four fingers in and out of her own rectum. Between butt poundings, the nasty ladies taste Mike's ass-flavored prick. Eventually he splatters hot jism onto Krissy's magnificent rear; Mariah laps it up and the perky cuties kiss goodbye.
Unbelievably sexy, extreme, kinky anal girls!
BUTTHOLES: Legendary director John "Buttman" Stagliano has a special fixation for gorgeous girls' expressive bungholes, whether taut, puckered, swollen with attention or gaping wide for action. This set of intimate clips is dedicated to sphincter images. Buttman indulges his passion with anally obsessed cuties Alexis Texas, Allie Haze, Brooklyn Lee, Anita Blue, Franceska Jaimes, Amy Brooke, Bella DellaMorte, Angel Vain, Krissy Lynn, Monica Santhiago, Cheyenne Jewel, Jynx Maze and Tori Lux. These sexy sluts probe their winking buttholes with all manner of huge toys, including inflatable butt plugs, even a massive Hitachi magic wand. Open up and say, "Ahh."
Four Girl ass play and anal lesbian orgy.
Mark's wife took him out for his birthday, a bash with plenty of drinks, dancing, strippers and all. He's so hungover he can't remember a damn thing, but when he wakes up he doesn't find his wife next to him in bed ... he finds the stripper, Krissy Lynn! She tells him that his wife got into her and they all ended up going back to the house to play, although he passed out. When his wife got paged to go to work at the hospital, Krissy stayed over ... and now she's ready to get fucked by a married man!
Krissy Lynn has such a beautiful ass! She has no shame in her game. Krissy loves cocks and dildos up her tight ass-hole. She sure wasn't kidding. This sexy babe took a dildo in her ass with pleasure. then Mike tasted that juicy ass then fucked it just the way she likes it. Deep and hard. Wow! Don't be the shmuck that misses this awesome update of Mr. Anal.
Krissy Lynn and Casey Cumz are curvy, big-assed bitches in the mood for a raunchy, three-way ass party. The voluptuous, jiggling sluts takes turns tonguing each other's fragrant asshole; soon the girls are joined by lucky stud Danny Wylde, who feeds these horny ladies a hearty meal of thick, hard cock. Krissy and Casey wetly slurp his shaft and lap at his balls. They expand their anuses with sex toys while achieving orgasm with a couple of buzzing vibrators. After they've been rectally reamed and sucked cock ass-to-mouth, the sexy cuties share a creamy load of sperm.
This week we got a hottie all of you. Krissy Lynn is the girl and when I say she is hot, I mean she is HOT!! So I decided to cool her off I would put her infront of the refrigerator. She found a popsicle, and had fun slurping it down. But thats not what she wanted in her mouth. She wanted a monster cock in there to refresh her as she cools off to the freezer blasts. Krissy got a full load of dick to handle any heat wave. She got to drag it out and into her mouth then she let that dick come into her wet pussy and she got fucked next to the fresh groceries that lay before her. I guess you can say, she really enjoyed the quality of our fresh ingredients and got to get a good look at the expiration on the milk bottle you would say.
Two exotic Asian mistresses dominate a blonde haired slut in the nail salon.
Sensuous superslut Asa Akira, exotic Latina Brooklyn Lee and busty Asian doll London Keyes are horny to give head. Fortunately, horny performer is ready with his big cock! The three girls let the stud taste their sweet buttholes. Then the nasty trio works their hungry lips over his hard shaft and dangling balls while he shoots POV-style. These messy sluts deep-throat his pole, slobbering, gagging, swapping gobs of gooey spit, and they tongue the anus. After cock spurts a hot load into their mouths, the girls snowball his cum and kiss. That's teamwork!
Ass licking, gaping and butt sex with hot girls in latex.
Wearing skintight black pants and a low-cut top, huge-breasted blonde Krissy Lynn gives director Manuel Ferrara an intimate tour of her home ... and her round, bouncy ass. In a privately shot encounter that looks more like a real date than a porn scene, the sexy bimbo strips and lets Manuel tongue her sweet pussy. While he shoots POV-style, Krissy wraps her lips around his thick cock and laps his balls. She slides his massive meat inside her big booty and takes a long anal ride. After a royal ass reaming, Krissy drains his sperm into her sexy mouth.
IT TORTURE: John "Buttman" Stagliano is obsessed with boobs, especially when they're being stretched, squeezed and tweaked. In this series of intimate clips, he explores the eroticism of tit torture with eight lovely models. Frisky Chastity Lynn, juicy-breasted Eloa, sweet Alexis Texas, big-bootied Krissy Lynn, sexy troublemaker Jynx Maze, tattooed Asian kinkster Jandi Lin, tanned submissive Kitty Bella and nasty blonde Anita Blue all have their fine breast meat squeezed, prodded, clamped and stretched using whatever apparatus is at hand, including clothespins and Buttman's professional titty-stretching rack! If you've got a fetish for manhandled mammaries, look no further!
Pale, reddish-blonde Krissy Lynn does a sensuous POV striptease for director Manuel Ferrara, her righteous ass encased in stretchy fabric. The athletic slut even does a sexy headstand, wiggling her bubble butt in mid air, then reams herself with big anal toys. The director buries his face in Krissy's sweet hole; she gags on the girth of his enormous cock. Manuel slides his thick pole up Krissy's ready ass and she bounces on his lap... then dismounts and sucks his dick ass-to-mouth! Manuel relentlessly drills this horny bitch's gaping anus before pulling out and shooting a messy load in her mouth.
BARE ASS AND GAPES: John 'Buttman' Stagliano is obsessed with the sight of girls' bare bottoms and gaping buttholes. In this series of intimate clips, the director examines the limits of the rectal ring... and what six gorgeous ladies can do with theirs as they spread their naked ass cheeks with anal abandon! French slut Liza del Sierra, perky Amy Brooke, tattooed Tori Lux, big-bootied Krissy Lynn, tanned troublemaker Jynx Maze and sassy, petite Kristina Rose each stretch their asshole diameters to the extreme. If you've got a fetish for the open sphincter, dive right in!
BOOBS: John "Buttman" Stagliano is obsessed with the sight of boobs. In this series of intimate clips, the director examines the beauty of the female breast with the help of 10 lovely models. Super-stacked blonde Angel Vain, busty French cutie Liza del Sierra, insanely stacked Krissy Lynn, enormously (and all naturally) endowed Eloa, sweet 'n' perky Jynx Maze, tiny-titted Chastity Lynn (with her tweakable nipples), friendly Amy Brooke, kinky Cheyenne Jewel, pierced Tori Lux and curvaceous Colombiana Franceska Jaimes all proudly show off their chests, huge and not-so-huge. If you've got a taste for titties, look no further!
CAMELTOE: John "Buttman" Stagliano is obsessed with the sight of girls sporting "cameltoes." In this series of intimate clips, his camera explores the allure of a plump set of labia peeking through a tightly clothed crotch. Voluptuous Liza Del Sierra shows off nether lips encased in white leggings and a buried thong, as does superslut Amy Brooke. Tanned Jynx Maze and blonde bimbo Krissy Lynn display their cotton-clad twats, and curvy Eloa, Colombian sexpot Francesca Jaimes and tattooed Tori Lux give Buttman cameltoe views through nearly transparent, sheer pantyhose. If you've got a fetish for well-defined pussy lips, look no further!
Foxy redhead Krissy Lynn waters her yard wearing a tube top and skintight jeans stretched over her plump, round ass. When peeping neighbor Mark startles her, the buxom beauty accidentally douses him with the hose. No problem: The curvy sweetheart invites him indoors... to teach him a kinky lesson. Krissy plants her massive haunches over his face, grinding her ass over his air holes until he gasps for breath. In return, Mark dominates the sexy bitch, thrusting his big cock down her throat as she gags. He fucks Krissy's asshole to gaping and climaxes the scene with an open-mouth cum facial.
Business Woman Arrested, Tied Up, Dominated and Ass Fucked in Jail!
FEET: John "Buttman" Stagliano is obsessed with the sight, smell and feel of sexy girl toes and feet. In this series of intimate clips, the lucky director gets to examine the heels, arches, dainty ankles and wiggly piggies of three seductive young ladies. Petite cutie Jynx Maze pinches Buttman's nipples with her delightful toes and lets him practically swallow her bare foot, toes first. The manicured peds of tattooed Tori Lux get closely inspected, and big-breasted Krissy Lynn has incredibly shapely feet that she uses to stroke a large dildo. If you have a fetish for feet, step right up!
Big-bottomed submissive Krissy Lynn wears a tight tube top and a white skirt that hugs the incredible curves of her plump, delicious booty. The pretty blonde teases the camera, wiggling her soft, round buttocks until director Kevin Moore is totally aroused. She strips naked and crouches between his legs, sensuously sucking his raging dick. Krissy oils up her phat ass and the director slides his hard shaft between those plump, bouncy buns. The beautiful slut lies facedown on the sofa; Kevin humps her rear groove and spurts a load of cum right into the sexy cleft of Krissy's butt!
Dark-haired, tattooed Tori Lux has invited friends to a wicked tea party. Bodacious blonde Krissy Lynn watches Tori use a bulb syringe to fill her ass with milk, then squirt it into a teacup like a good hostess. She fondles Krissy's huge tits, and the ladies have a lesbian ass-eating party flavored with creamy, messy milk enemas! Soon muscular stud Rico Strong arrives, and he brings his own brand of cream! The African-American stud butt-fucks both sexy, white sluts. Krissy and Tori enjoy an interracial, dairy-drenched, ass-to-mouth threesome with Rico's giant black cock, and they share his sperm.
So today my friends we have a very pretty ginger named Krissy Lynn. So invited my homie a legend and his name is Mr. Marcus. I invited a pro to take on this amateur and show her a few things like his big black cock in his tight ass pussy, haha. So was totally in it and she repeatedly said that she has never had a cock this big in her life. So lets just say Mr. Marcus totally schooled this young ginger into totally loving big black cock now, lol.
Krissy Lynn is a most demanding mistress. The rubber-clad blonde bitch addresses the camera, castigating her pathetic viewer, ordering you to eat her ass. Next we see how this fearsome female treats her own slave, Pierce Johnson. Krissy dominates him at the end of a dog leash, making him crawl, lick her butthole and cover her soft rump with supplicating kisses. She crushes his head under her magnificent ass cheeks and steps on his face with her bare soles. Her groveling servant gives her a backdoor tongue bath, and Krissy smothers him with her mighty ass until she cums.
Krissy Lynn and her boyfriend's son Johnny get into a small argument about how each doesn't work. But Krissy says it's her job to look hot for his dad, and Johnny knows how sexy she is as he's always spying on her when she's changing and showering. Funny thing is that they're practically the same age -- the even went to the same college! And those are good enough commonalities for Krissy to pull out Johnny's hard cock and suck it and fuck it, giving it the good ol' college try.
Krissy Lynn gets all her holes filled in amazing double penetration action.
Nurse and patient kinky anal sex!
Role play with Anal punishment, ass fisting, squirting, spanking and rough sex!
Exposed escort wife punished and ass fucked in bondage by husband.
Bubbly blondes Krissy Lynn and Mariah Madysinn, resplendent in football jerseys, oil up their perfect buns and big, round boobies. Director Mike Adriano kneels behind these busty bitches, burying his face in sweet ass. In a tag-team blow job, one slut sucks the director's dick while the other gets her butthole rimmed. Mike rudely butt-fucks Mariah while Krissy watches intently, slowly pumping four fingers in and out of her own rectum. Between butt poundings, the nasty ladies taste Mike's ass-flavored prick. Eventually he splatters hot jism onto Krissy's magnificent rear; Mariah laps it up and the perky cuties kiss goodbye.
Bubbly blondes Krissy Lynn and Mariah Madysinn, resplendent in football jerseys, oil up their perfect buns and big, round boobies. Director Mike Adriano kneels behind these busty bitches, burying his face in sweet ass. In a tag-team blow job, one slut sucks the director's dick while the other gets her butthole rimmed. Mike rudely butt-fucks Mariah while Krissy watches intently, slowly pumping four fingers in and out of her own rectum. Between butt poundings, the nasty ladies taste Mike's ass-flavored prick. Eventually he splatters hot jism onto Krissy's magnificent rear; Mariah laps it up and the perky cuties kiss goodbye.
Spanked and fucked round asses, deep anal penetration!
This week we brought you an Ass & Anal Parade here on Krissy Lynn came to visit us and she brought her big delicious ass and ginormous 36D tits. We hope your all gonna love watching Mike Adriano stuff his dick down Krissy's Beautiful asshole. I think we all can agree Krissy Lynn is amazing and we would love to give her pretty ass a test drive! Enjoy
Bubbly blondes Krissy Lynn and Mariah Madysinn, resplendent in football jerseys, oil up their perfect buns and big, round boobies. Director Mike Adriano kneels behind these busty bitches, burying his face in sweet ass. In a tag-team blow job, one slut sucks the director's dick while the other gets her butthole rimmed. Mike rudely butt-fucks Mariah while Krissy watches intently, slowly pumping four fingers in and out of her own rectum. Between butt poundings, the nasty ladies taste Mike's ass-flavored prick. Eventually he splatters hot jism onto Krissy's magnificent rear; Mariah laps it up and the perky cuties kiss goodbye.
I know that tonight is the night I get invaded by several black dicks all at once! I'm going to drain all their cocks until their eyes roll in the back of their heads. I just recently found out that my great-great-grandfather owned slaves and that's just wrong. I know I can't change the past but my mouth and titties are about to make this evening's festivities one to remember. I can't wait to have 8 black dicks stuff my face, bounce off my face, and launch jizz bombs at my face after I take them down my esophagus. No black dick was ignored seeing as how milky goodness fell on me from every possible angle. I've never had my makeup get this shattered but that's what happens when a bunch of black guys unload on pretty white faces.
Busty beauty submits for cock sucking and sex in bondage!
A young aspiring model tricked into pornography and kinky sex.
Sexy Maid and Gimp girl fucked in bondage!
This blonde beauty is strangely excited by the writings on the hallowed walls of this well-used bathroom, and it's accompanying gloryhole. She isn't shy about showing off her fine young body, and gets down to her birthday suit in record time so she can get at that sensitive opening and start giving it a massage. As her juices begin to flow, she is rewarded with a prize in the form of an all-you-can eat black boner. She's quick to suck this monster to it's full potential, then assumes the wallhugger position, and nimbly slides it into her pussy. After letting her poon get it's fill of dick, she returns to the buffet, and eats those inches with gusto until it delivers it's creamy dessert.
Today in Cock-Arm Wrestling, Kagney Linn Karter and Krissy Lynn are challenging each other for a match against the champion Johnny Sins. The champion Johnny Sins feels who ever wins out of these two girls will be no match for him because all he has to do is whip out his secret weapon and these girls will go crashing down.....on their knees.
Krissy Lynn and Will Powers are coming back from mountain biking. It seems like they have chemistry going when they talk fondly about things they have in common. Looks as though she wants to ride something else and prepares herself for the bumpy road ahead. Krissy and will do have a lot in common and fucking is one of them!
Lexi Belle and Krissy Lynn aren't so sure what they think about their new roommate, especially since she left her dog with them all day, and now they have to wait for the dog walker to show up before they can leave. A man knocks on the door looking for his "girl," they automatically think he's arrived to walk the pooch. But after the two hot blondes get naked and seduce him, sucking his big dick and fucking him until he jizzes all over their tits, they find out he's not the dog walker, but their roommate's boyfriend! Oops, accidents happen!